87843 - A Language - Russian Language for Interpreters

Academic Year 2018/2019

  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Forli
  • Corso: Second cycle degree programme (LM) in Interpreting (cod. 8060)

    Also valid for Second cycle degree programme (LM) in Interpreting (cod. 8060)

Learning outcomes

Students will be able to understand, analyze and produce oral speeches belonging to relevant text types, also in multimedia. They will acquire the ability to express themselves fluently in complex communicative situations.

Course contents

Russian for interpreters – prof. Svetlana Slavkova:

The program will cover some key issues concerning both Russian morphology and syntax, with particular emphasis on the following topics:

- Verb aspect – morphology, semantics and syntax, pragmatics.

- The function of the word order;
- Collocations in Russian;
- Lexical and syntactic synonymy;
- Semantic roles and cases in Russian;
- Elements of style.

Russian Language Lab for Interpreters

The Language Lab offers exercises that aim at deepening the
students’ knowledge of syntax and sentence structure, and also includes
reading, analyzing, rewriting, and transcribing various texts.
During the preparation of
lexical lists relating to politics, economics, the social and cultural
life of today’s Russia, both within an international context and
with regard to its historical background, the particular skills required
by students specializing in interpretation will always be emphasized.
The Language Lab is considered a fundamental part of the
course and students will be tested over the work done in class.


Alekseeva I. S. Professional’nyj trening perevodčika. SPb: Izdatel'stvo SOJUZ, 2001.

Kudinova V.A. Praktikum po perevodu. Ital’janskij jazyk. M.: MGU, 2005.

Sbornik upražnenij po ustnomu perevodu. Ekaterinburg: Izdatel’stvo Ural’skogo universiteta, 2002.

Ščekina I. A. Ital’janskij jazyk. Ustnyj perevod. M.: Vysšaja škola, 1986.

Straniero Segio F. Interpretazione simultanea dal russo in italiano. Fondamenti teorici e applicazioni pratiche. Edizioni Goliardiche, 1997.

Teaching methods

- communicative method for lexical enrichment and language practice;

- exercises of text reformulation, expanding, compressing, paraphrasing;

- lectures;

- listening to different type of oral texts;

- presentation and comment on students' papers.

Assessment methods

Written and oral test. There will be a written lexico-grammatical test and an oral examination that will test the ability for grammatical and stylistic analysis of a proposed text.

Teaching tools

Bilingual and monolingual dictionaries;

Dictionary of synonyms and antonyms;

Russian National Corpus ( www.ruscorpora.ru );

Russian browsers.

Material available on the e-learning site (http://moodle.sslmit.unibo.it/)

Office hours

See the website of Svetlana Slavkova