72485 - Urban Systems of Asia and Africa (1) (LM)

Academic Year 2018/2019

  • Docente: Marzia Marchi
  • Credits: 6
  • SSD: M-GGR/01
  • Language: Italian

Learning outcomes

At the end of the course the students know  how the urban systems of Asia and Africa work, in connection with the global economic flows.

Course contents

The course intends to deal with the study of non-European cities, starting from their distinctive features, which come from history and that make the urban settlements as they today are.Looking to the urban systems, exspecially of the capital city, and other important urban regions, also allows us to consider the ways in which different countries face the economic and political challenges of globalization.

Some of the topics that will be addressed:

- Globalisation and urbanisation
Diversity of cities and urban systems around the world.
- The traditional city; urban modernisation; european city exported by the colonisation.
-Urban models in different cultural regions: case studies of  Africa and Asia
-African city:examples from North Africa, Sub-Saharan Africa,West Africa , South-Eastern Africa.

-Asian cities:examples from Central Asia, India, Japan.

 -Cities in the Historical Cinese Region:Seoul, Shanghai, Hanoi.

-Cities from Southeast Asia: cases of economic changes and spatial transformations in Indocina and Malaysia.


Students who don't attend to the lessons, must to know the following texts:

1- One manual: L.Spagnoli, Storia dell'urbanistica moderna. Vol. 2- Dall'età della borghesia alla globalizzazione, Zanichelli, Bologna, 2012 ( only:Parte quinta- I processi di urbanizzazione in un contesto globale, pp. 499-601  and  Bibliography, pp.621-626).

2- One  book chosen between:

-M.Marchi, Metropoli asiatiche in trasformazione : Seoul. Shanghai, Hanoi, Carocci, Roma 2008.

-M. Marchi, Indagini geo-storiche sulla città in Africa occidentale, CLUEB, Bologna 2005.

-M.Marchi ( a cura di), Città dell'Asia. Ricerche geografiche e storico-culturali. Bononia university Press, Bologna 2017.

 3 – One book ( or different articles), chosen between: 

-The Articles about Souteast Asia: M.Marchi, Relazioni marittime fra Cina e Asia orientale. Le testimonianze storiche di Hoi An (Vietnam), 2012,pp.93-103; M.Marchi, Singapore da avamposto coloniale a città globale, 2014, pp. 99-107; M.Marchi, Cina e Asia sud-orientale: relazioni economiche e geopolitiche, 2014, pp. 429-441, on line in:  www.campus. unibo.it.

-G. Barrera, A. Triulzi; G. Tzeggai ( a cura di ), Asmara. Architettura e pianificazione urbana nei fondi dell'ISIAO, Istituto Italiano per l'Africa e l'Oriente, Roma 2008

- E. Denison, G. Yu Ren, N. Gebremedhim, Asmara. Africa's Secret Modernist City,  Merrel, London-New York, 2003

- M.Augius, M.Zamponi, ( a cura di), Ilha de Moçambique: convergência di povos e culturas( testo anche in Italiano), AIEP, San Marino 1999

-L.M. Li, A.J Dray-Novey, H. Kong, Pechino, Storia di una città, Einaudi, Torino 2008( specialmente Introduzione, cap. 1,2,3,7,8 e Conclusioni)

-C. Greco, C. Santoro, Pechino, la città nuova, Skira Milano 2008

-Caroli R., Tokyo segreta. Storia di Wasada e dintorni, ed. Ca'Foscari, Digital Publisching, Università di Venezia, 2012, on line in : www.edizionicafoscari.unive.it.   

-L. Sacchi, Tokyo-to: architettura e città. Skira,  Milano 2008

-F.Gipoloux, La Méditeranée asiatique. Ville portuaires et réseaux marchands en Chine, au Japon et en Asie du Sud-Est, XVI-XXI siecles,CNRS Editions, Paris 2009 (also in english version :The Asean Mediterranean : Port cities and trading networks in China, Japan and Southern Asia, 13th.-21st. Centuries, Edwuard Elgar, UK and USA, 2011).

Students who attend to the lessons( minimum 2/3 of total), instead of the Manual( point 1) can prepare a paper ( 10 pp.) about a case study or urban aspect, chosen in accord whit prof. Marchi.

Students who attend to the lessons ( as specified before) and do not write a paper, must to study only the parts of Manual discussed in class. A list will be done at the end of the course.


Assessment methods

For students who don’t attend the lessons, an oral examination has required, based on the texts mentioned in the program. It will assess the knowledge and the ability to present, whit the appropriate language, the general aspects of the various issues and the necessary specifications, whit examples, for present the nature of the issues and their complexity.

For the attendants (as defined above), the examination can take place in two parts: the first by the written report, which will evaluate the application of the methodologies of geographic approach learned during the lessons. An oral interview will be completed, which will focus on the remaining parts of the program for attendants and on the discussion of the written work.

Particularly accurate and brilliant knowledge and exposures (written and oral) will match the highest standards of excellence.Some lacks of knowledge, with a language that is not completely appropriate, will match between the discret and the sufficient. Finally, serious deficiencies in content, lack of understanding of the main aspects of the course and inappropriate form of presentation, will lead to insufficient.


Teaching tools

 Video projector will be used for  help the lessons with photos, maps and  geographical models.

Links to further information


Office hours

See the website of Marzia Marchi