75708 - Japanese Language and Literature 2A (LM)

Academic Year 2018/2019

Learning outcomes

Through the course, students deepen their knowledge of the Japanese language at an intermediate level. Students are expected to study the relevant and most updated literature dealing with selected topics.

Course contents


Achieve a knowledge of basic Japanese Language with comunicative purpose.


History of Japanese culture in the Modern Age (1868-1945) and related terminology in kanji.


Testi fondamentali:

(1) Surie nettowaku (ed.), Minna no Nihongo. Shokyū 1, Tōkyō, 3A Corporation, Second Edition 2012. 

(2) Takeshita, T. (2012), Il Giappone e la sua civiltà: profilo storico, Per un apprendimento simultaneo di lingua e cultura, Nuova edizione, Bologna, Clueb. 

(3) Takeshita, T. (1998), Esercitazione terminologica di storia della cultura giapponese, Bologna, Clueb.

Suggested books:

Takeshita, Ueyama e Vitucci, Nihon-JP Corso multimediale per l'autoapprendimento della lingua giapponese Prima Parte (Nuova edizione 2012) e Seconda Parte (2010), Bologna, Clueb.

Mastrangelo, Ozawa e Saito, Mariko (2016), Grammatica giapponese, Milano, Hoepli, 2016.

For non-attending students


T. Takeshita, M. Ueyama e F. Vitucci, Nihon-JP Corso multimediale per l'autoapprendimento della lingua giapponese Prima Parte (Nuova edizione 2012) e Seconda Parte (2010) su CD-ROM, Bologna, Clueb, 2007.


T. Takeshita, Il Giappone e la sua civiltà: profilo storico, Bologna, Clueb, 2012. 

T. Takeshita, Esercitazione terminologica di storia e civiltà giapponese, Bologna, Clueb, 1998. 

Teaching methods

Japanese language: direct method. Classes will be in Japanese from the beginning and they need a strong interaction.

To acquire an additional number of words and expressions Nihon-JP CD-ROM can be used.

Japanese history and culture: several cultural elements of Japan will be introduced during class but the study of Japanese culture is mainly entrusted to the students themselves.

There will behome works and short tests to monitor progress (not for the final evaluation).

Although not mandatory, attendance is highly recommended.


Assessment methods

The exam is oral and consists of two parts.


Reading of some passages of the textbook. Questions and answers in Japanese about the text.

For students not attending classes:

Basics of the Japanese language can be studied using Nihon-JP Corso multimediale per l'autoapprendimento della lingua giapponese (Parte Prima, Unità 3; Parte Seconda, unità 4). Reading, questions and answers will be related to Nihon-JP.

*History and Culture

For all students:

Reading of one page of textbook Esercitazione terminologica di storia della cultura giapponese: Esercizio 5(Japanese terms included) and explanation in Italian about a word or an event related to the page (Reference book Il Giappone e la sua civiltà: profilo storico).


Top marks will be awarded to a student displaying fluent reading and ability to answer properly to simple questions in Japanese of daily conversation combined with the ability to recognize every kanji of the chosen page and to explain clearly the chosen word (or historical event) and contextualize it.

Average marks will be awarded to a student who has an acceptable fluency in reading, the ability to answer only part of the questions in Japanese, or to recognize some kanji, explaining the chosen word (or historical event) with a poor knowledge of Japanese history.

A student will be deemed to have failed the exam if he displays poor reading and if he is not able to answer questions in Japanese and he cannot take the second part of the exam (history/culture).


The students who have attended Japanese classes before are requested to come to office hours for an alternative program by the end of November 2018.

Not attending students are requested to come to office hours by the end of November 2018.

Teaching tools

Power point. Visual and audiovisual materials

Office hours

See the website of Maria Elena Tisi