29654 - Religions of the Classic World (1) (LM)

Academic Year 2018/2019

  • Docente: Dario Cosi
  • Credits: 6
  • SSD: M-STO/06
  • Language: Italian

Learning outcomes

At the end of the course, student has detailed knowledge of the civilizations of the classic world and the methodology of the religio-historical research. Also through direct involvement in activities of seminarial type on some monographic argument (reading and personal analysis of ancient texts and modern studies), has knowledge about the sources and problems related to the study of religions of the classical world and the general characters of polytheism. Knows how to use properly the language and the specific tools of the discipline and to apply the inquiry methodologies to problems and specific documents.

Course contents

Ancient mystery cults. The cult of Mithra.

List of topics: The History of Religions and its method. General characters of polytheism. Ancient mystery cults. The cult of Mithra.


1.   M.V. CERUTTI, Storia delle religioni, EDUCatt, Milano 2014;

2.   W. BURKERT, Antichi culti misterici, Laterza, Roma-Bari 1989, 1991;

3. J. RIES, Il culto di Mithra. Dall'India vedica ai confini dell'Impero romano, Jaca Book, Milano;

4.   Notes from lessons and seminars and individual readings.


 G. FILORAMO, Che cos'è la religione. Temi metodi problemi, Einaudi, Torino 2004.

Teaching methods

The Course consisist of: 30 hours of frontal teachings in classroom,  held by titular teacher.

The Course also consist of: a few hours of supplementary didactics, held by collaborators of the teacher.

Assessment methods

The oral exam will seek to verify the understanding of the topics dealt during the Course, the acquisition of the knowledges proposed by the prescribed Bibliography for individual study and the ability of interpreting documents and linking research topics and particular problems.

Top marks will be awarded to a student displaying an overall understanding of the topics discussed during the lectures, combined with a critical approach to the material and a confident and effective use of the appropriate terminology.

Average marks will be awarded to a student who has memorized the main points of the material and is able to summarise them satisfactorily and provide an effective critical commentary, while not demonstrating full use of the appropriate terminology.

It will be deemed to have failed the exam if the student presents significant errors in its understanding and non-acquisition of the general lines of the subject, along with a bad utilization of the appropriate terminology.

Teaching tools

The Course includes the use of the Library of the Section of Storia antica (via Zamboni, 38) of the Department of Storia Culture Civilta' (DiSCi)  for research and word processing.

Office hours

See the website of Dario Cosi