69393 - French Language and Culture II (Second Language)

Academic Year 2018/2019

  • Docente: Paolo Scampa
  • Credits: 5
  • SSD: L-LIN/04
  • Language: Italian
  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Forli
  • Corso: First cycle degree programme (L) in Intercultural and Linguistic Mediation (cod. 8059)

Learning outcomes

The student is able to produce a fluent and coherent text and adapt his translation strategies to the specificities of both the text source and the function of the translated text in the target language.

Course contents

The course aims to give the students language skills in orthography, contrastive lexicology and “double renversement” rewriting dealing with texts of varying content and difficulty level.

Emphasis will be placed on:

orthographic skills: ensure linguistic writing quality;

language methodological skills: auto-corrective bilingual and monolingual linguistic strategy ;

lexicology skills for reinforce familiarity with some constrative areas of vocabulary;

writing skills for reinforce fluency and internal text coherence.


Bloch, R. (1988) Les faux amis aux aguets, Bologna, Zanichelli.

Bidaud, F. (2012) Grammaire du français pour italophones, Torino, Utet Università.

Celine, L-F. (1980) Mort à crédit, I & II. Paris, Gallimard.

Grevisse, M. & Goose, A. (1990) Le bon usage, Louvain la Neuve/Paris, Duculot/Hachette.

ABU : la Bibliothèque Universelle http://abu.cnam.fr/

Gallica Bibliothèque numérique.(Bibliothèque nationale de France) http://gallica.bnf.fr/

Dizionario unilingue : Le Petit Robert

Le trésor de la langue Française (TLF. http://atilf.atilf.fr/ )

Dizionario dei sinonimi : Dictionnaire des synonymes, nuances et contraires, Le Robert, «Les Usuels»

Dictionnaire électronique des synonymes (associé au TLF ) http://www.crisco.unicaen.fr/des/synonymes/

Banque de dépannage linguistique : http://www.oqlf.gouv.qc.ca/ressources/bdl.html

Teaching methods

The course includes:

individual/and in groups writing sessions in the classroom and homework works. The course involve a permanent reflexive French / Italian contrastive linguistics analysis and bilingual auto-corrective method for consolidate orthographical and grammatical structures and prevent interferences.

Assessment methods

Double renversement of 250-300 words text of thematic areas addressed during the course.

Teaching tools

Material provided by the instructor.

Dictionaries listed in the bibliography.

Office hours

See the website of Paolo Scampa