27380 - Rural Building and Landscape

Academic Year 2018/2019

  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Bologna
  • Corso: Second cycle degree programme (LM) in Planning and management of agro-territorial, forest and landscape (cod. 8532)

Learning outcomes

Knowledge of construction techniques, traditional and modern, of rural buildings and the characteristic elements of the landscape in relationship between buildings and rural setting.
The student is able to: give a reading of the genesis, of the actual state and of the critical and valuable aspects of the landscape; applying methods of evaluation of the aspects characterizing the building-landscape relationship; apply designing criteria aimed at the restoration and enhancement of the traditional characters of the rural landscape and the proper collocation of new zootechnical buildings. Also, the student will be able to set a Landscaping report.

Course contents

The classroom teaching (36 hours) regard the followings topics:
Characterization of the rural landscape in relation to the buildings. Methods and techniques of landscape analysis.
Rural historical buildings. Building typologies and construction techniques. Preservation, renovation and reuse.
Main construction techniques of modern rural buildings, and their proper insertion into the landscape.
Landscape - environmental legislation.

Exercises (24 hours):
- Introduction to 3D rendering design software.
- Guidelines for the preparation of a report to require the landscape authorization.
- Historical cartographic research at the State Archives of Bologna.
- Setting up of an individual work on the study of a rural area, with the aim to valorise a building (historical, modern, existing or to be designed ex novo in the given context), chosen by the student, in relation to the landscape. The work will contribute to the final evaluation of the student.
Some topics will be developed at The University Farm of Bologna.


Lecure notes, and material provided by the lecturer.

Recommended readings:
Emilio Sereni, Storia del paesaggio agrario italiano, 1961 (Laterza, 2010);
S. Agostini, Recupero e riuso degli edifici rurali. Elementi di progetto e di piano. Integrazione del paesaggio. Maggioli Editore. Santarcangelo di Romagna (RN), 2009;
A. Boeri, Tecnologie per il recupero degli edifici rurali, Minerva Edizioni;
R. Chiumenti, Costruzioni rurali, Edagricole, 2004
A. Mambriani, P. Zappavigna (a cura di), Edilizia rurale e territorio: analisi, metodi, progetti. Provincia di Parma/Maccari Editore - 2004

Teaching methods

The course consists of a theoretical part and an application part. In the theoretical part will be introduced the basic principles and operating methodologies. In the application one, the student will be guided to an individual work. In this phase field experiences with inspections in zones of interest will be done.

Assessment methods

The course is a part of the Integrated Course "Rural Buildings, landscape designing and planning" together with the following other teaching: "Landscape designing and planning". Therefore, the verification will be carried out only at the end of the lessons of the mentioned courses. The final evaluation takes into account jointly the level of knowledge and skills acquired by the student in relation to the contents of both of the above teachings. The final vote is obtained by averaging the scores achieved in each of the two subject areas, which in both cases must be greater than or equal to 18/30.
The test regarding the course on "Rural buildings and landscape", of oral type, the student will present the analysis work on a case study of his choice and set with the help of the teacher. The test is completed by two questions regarding the topics covered during the course.

Teaching tools

Electronic board, computer, technical visits, rendering 3D software.

Office hours

See the website of Paolo Liberati