65863 - Innovative Reproductive Technologies in Zootechnical Species

Academic Year 2018/2019

  • Docente: Giovanna Galeati
  • Credits: 6
  • SSD: VET/02
  • Language: Italian
  • Moduli: Giovanna Galeati (Modulo 1) Diego Bucci (Modulo 2)
  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures (Modulo 1) Traditional lectures (Modulo 2)
  • Campus: Bologna
  • Corso: Second cycle degree programme (LM) in Safety and Quality in Animal Production (cod. 8521)

Learning outcomes

At the end of the course the student should know the animal reproductive physiology. He/she should possess knowledge of the main reproductive biotechnologies applied to zootechical species.

Course contents

Items of general endocrinology: hormone chemistry, receptors and mechanisms of action. Pituitary and hypothalamic hormones. Regulation of hormone secretion and activity. Physiology of puberty. Estrous cycle: generalaspects and species-specific characteristics. Hormonal control of the estrous cycle. Follicular wave and ovulation. The luteal phase and the corpus luteum. Luteolysis: peculiaritiesof species. Seasonal reproductive activity. Induction and synchronization of estrus. Male reproductive system: hormonal regulation of the reproductive function. Gametogenesis, fertilization and embryo development. The endocrinology of pregnancy and parturition. Physiology of lactation. Physiology of reproduction in teleosts and in birds.

Semen collection and storage. AI with fresh, cooled and frozen semen. Sperm sexing. Multiple ovulations and embryo transfer (MOET) in cattle. Embryo transfer in horses. Collection and cryopreservation of oocytes. Principles of cloning and trangenesis.



Teaching material includes the textbooks suggested as well as what has been available on Galeati and Spinaci web site:



In particular, the suggested textbooks are:

Fisiologia degli animali domestici. Sjaastad O., Sand O., Hove K., 2013, Casa Editrice Ambrosiana, Milano.

Riproduzione negli animali d'allevamento. Hafez E.S.E. & Hafez B. 2011, libreriauniversitaria.it.

Dukes, Fisiologia degli animali domestici. Swenson M.J. & Reece W.O., 2002, IDELSON-GNOCCHI, Napoli.

Reproduction in Cattle. Ball PJH, Peters AR. 3a ediz. 2004 Wiley-Blackwell Publishing.
Equine Reproduction. McKinnon A , Squires EL, Vaala WE, Varner DD. 2a ediz. 2011 Wiley-Blackwell Publishing.

Reproductive Technologies in farm animals. Gordon I. 2005 CABI Publishing.

Scientific papers on the most recent reproductive biotechnologies.

Teaching methods

Frontal and practical lessons.

Assessment methods

Written examination with the aim to evaluate if the student has acquired the knowledge related to the topics that have been treated during the course.

The written exam will consist of 60 questions (either multiple choice questions or very short questions with open answers); each multiple choice question will present a little number of alternatives and can have more than one exact answer. The score may be 0 (zero) or 1 (one) for each answer. In case of open questions, the answer must not exceed the available space. The score ranges between 0 (zero) and 1 (one) depending on whether the answer is exact and pertinent to the question. No answer will have a score equal to zero.

The student will not have the possibility to use textbooks, memos or data storage devices.

The exam will be considered as passed if the total score is equal or above 32 points. 

The final grade of the integrated course of Biotechnologies applied to animal production comes from the final evaluations of the different teachings that make it up, weighted on the CFU of each course.


Teaching tools

Video-projector, PC presentations and videos.

Office hours

See the website of Giovanna Galeati

See the website of Diego Bucci