00870 - Social Psychology

Academic Year 2018/2019

  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Bologna
  • Corso: First cycle degree programme (L) in Dental Hygiene (cod. 8481)

Learning outcomes

This course is aimed to provide students with the essential knowledge about the processes of social influence (facilitation vs. social inhibition).

Course contents

1. Biomedical and biopsychosocial model of illness: risk factors and prevention in the individual and collective health; 2. The different types of social influence: verbal and non-verbal communication; 3. Prevention and empowerment strategies.


Bellomo A. (2004), Psicologia medica e abilità relazionali, Edizioni Minerva Medica. Chapters: 5 (La comunicazione efficace), 6 (La relazione medico-paziente).

Benedetti, F (2013). Placebo and the new physiology of the doctor-patient relationship. Physiol Rev, 93:1207-46 (alternatively: Benedetti, F (2012). L’effetto Placebo. Breve viaggio tra mente e corpo. Carocci Editore).

Teaching methods

Lectures. Experimental and clinical research outputs will be presented and discussed.

Assessment methods

The test will be written, with three open-ended question (total time for the examination: one hour).

Teaching tools

The handouts of lectures slides will be provided by the teacher on AMS campus http://campus.cib.unibo.it/ .

Office hours

See the website of Michela Mazzetti