30353 - Latin Philology and Literature (LM)

Academic Year 2018/2019

  • Docente: Luigi Pirovano
  • Credits: 12
  • SSD: L-FIL-LET/04
  • Language: Italian

Learning outcomes

At the end of the classes students have a deep knowledge of latin literature, they are able to analyse latin texts with regard to language, style, subject, they understand textual problems referring to latin texts, they use the tools needed for a philological research.

Course contents

The course is divided into 2 modules, of 6 ECTS each.
● Students of MD Filologia, Letteratura e Tradizione Classica [LM15] are supposed to attend modules 1 & 2.
● Students of MD Italianistica, culture letterarie europee, scienze linguistiche (lettere A-L) [LM14] only module 2.

Poetry and Rhetoric in Rome between Republic and Empire
Module 1:
Horace, Ars poetica (a detailed list of all passages examined at lesson, and requested for the exam will be supplied at the end of the course).
Module 2: Seneca, Quintilian, Petronius, Tacitus, and the "crisis" or Roman rhetoric (a detailed list of all passages examined at lesson, and requested for the exam will be supplied at the end of the course).

B. CRITICAL ESSAYS: students are requested to read 2 essays for each module.

Module 1:
Lucan, Bellum civile, book X
Module 2: Ovid, Heroides 12



Texts Module 1: Critical editions and translations: Orazio, Arte poetica, introduzione e commento di A. Rostagni, Torino : Chiantore, 1946; Orazio, Arte poetica, a cura di F.M. Pontani, Roma : Gismondi, 1953; Horace on Poetry. The Ars Poetica, by C.O. Brink, Cambridge : UP, 1971; Q. Orazio Flacco, Opere, a cura di T. Colamarino e D. Bo, Torino : UTET, 2015.
Texts Module 2:



Essays module 1: at least 2 essays among: E. Berti, Declamazione e poesia, in Scholasticorum Studia. Seneca il Vecchio e la cultura retorica e letteraria della prima età imperiale, Pisa: Giardini, 2007, 265-310; Ph.R. Hardie, The «Ars poetica» and the poetics of didactic, "MD" 72, 2014, pp. 43-54; L. Galasso, The «Ars poetica» of Horace in Ovid’s exile poetry, "MD" 72, 2014, pp. 193-205; I. Gualandri, «Sit Medea ferox inuictaque, flebilis Ino»: spunti di teorizzazione sul personaggio nella letteratura latina, "ACME" 62.2, 2009, pp. 7-19.
Essays module 2: at least 2 essays among: I.G. Mastrorosa, « Principes in Caesaris amicitia »: oratori e consenso negoziato in età flavia», in G. Petrone - A. Casamento, « Studia… in umbra educata »: percorsi della retorica latina in età imperiale, Palermo 2010, pp. 173-187; A. Stramaglia, Come si insegnava a declamare?, in Libri di scuola e pratiche didattiche, Cassino: Edizioni Università di Cassino, 2010, 111-151; M. Bovey, Le « Dialogus de oratoribus » de Tacite et les manuels de rhétorique, "Latomus" 59.2, 2000, pp. 353-363; Ch.O. Brink, Quintilian's De causis corruptae eloquentiae and Tacitus' Dialogus de oratoribus, "CQ" 39, 1989, pp. 472-503; J.C. Miralles Maldonado, La critica della retorica contemporanea nel "Satyricon" di Petronio, "Maia" 63, 2011, pp. 262-273.


Texts module 1 –
Lucan, Bellum civile, lib. X: M. Anneo Lucano, La guerra civile, a cura di R. Badalì, Torino: Utet, 2006; or M. Anneo Lucano, Farsaglia o La guerra civile, a cura di L. Canali, Milano: Rizzoli, 1997.
Texts module 2 – Ovid, Heroides 12:
P. Nasone Ovidio, Lettere di eroine, a cura di G. Rosati, Milano: Rizzoli, 1989; or Ovidio, Eroidi, a cura di E. Salvadori, Milano: Garzanti, 2006.
Morfologia-Sintassi (moduli 1 e 2):
per quanto riguarda gli aspetti linguistici, si dà per acquisito nei corsi di triennale lo studio della morfologia e della sintassi latina su testi di livello universitario (ad es. I. Dionigi-L. Morisi-E. Riganti, Il latino, Bari: Laterza, 2011) e degli aspetti storico-linguistici, metrici e di critica del testo contenuti in A. Traina - G. Bernardi Perini, Propedeutica al latino universitario, Bologna: Pàtron, 2007. Per la sintassi latina si può fare riferimento a A.Traina-T. Bertotti, Sintassi normativa della lingua latina, Bologna: Pàtron, 2015.
Metrica (moduli 1 e 2):
è richiesta la lettura del distico elegiaco (su cui si veda la Propedeutica al latino universitario, cap. VII).
Critica del testo (moduli 1 e 2):
per le conoscenze introduttive alla comprensione dell’apparato critico, è necessaria lo studio del cap. VIII della Propedeutica al latino universitario; per il corso da 12 cfu [LM 15] è inoltre richiesta la lettura di R. Tarrant, Texts, Editors, and Readers: Methods and Problems in Latin Textual Criticism. Roman Literature and its Contexts, Cambridge: UP, 2016, oppure P. Chiesa, Elementi di critica testuale, Bologna: Patron, 2012.

Teaching methods

As for A. section, lectures in class; students are supposed to prepare parts B. and C. by themselves.

Assessment methods

The examination consists of a viva voce exam and is divided in two parts (students are required to take both parts of the examination on the same date):
1) in the first part, the students will be tested on Latin phonetics, morphology and syntax through the reading and translation of the Latin texts (in section C). Students are required to answer questions about Latin grammar (phonetics, morphology and syntax) from the texts in section C.
2) in the second part (on section A and B), the examination will regard the Special Focus Course and the critical readings. Students are asked to provide a translation from Latin and a philological and literary commentary on one of the passages analysed in class. Students are required to discuss the chosen critical readings.

n.b. The exam requires a medium-high level of knowledge of the Latin language. Beginner students are recommended to choose a basic course of the the three-year degree.

The assessment criteria is thus explained:
failing grades: lack of basic linguistic knowledge and inability to produce a correct translation and interpretation of the text.
passing grades: language proficiency at an intermediate level; translation and literary interpretation of the texts are mostly correct, but inaccurate and lacking in autonomy.
excellent grades: language proficiency at an upper-mid level; translation and interpretation of the texts are not only correct, but carried out with autonomy and precision. Good knowledge of Latin prosody and metrics.

Teaching tools

Slides and other materials will be available online on the course website.

Office hours

See the website of Luigi Pirovano