28669 - Optimisation Tools Laboratory T-A

Academic Year 2018/2019

  • Moduli: Valentina Cacchiani (Modulo 1) Valentina Cacchiani (Modulo 2)
  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures (Modulo 1) Traditional lectures (Modulo 2)
  • Campus: Bologna
  • Corso: First cycle degree programme (L) in Engineering Management (cod. 0925)

Learning outcomes

Knowledge of simulation and optimization software for complex systems.

Course contents

A good knowledge of the basics of Operations Research is required.

The course focuses on applying theoretical techniques of simulation and mathematical modelling studied in Operations Research to solve decision problems by software tools.

The goal is, on one hand, to let the students get a good familiarity of the simulation and optimization software, and, on the other hand, to deepen their knowledge on optimization techniques to solve complex problems.

1. Review of Numerical Simulation
2. Process Interaction Simulation
3. Arena Commercial Software (use of the basic modules, statistic computation, queue analysis)
4. Review of Linear Programming and Integer Linear Programming
5. Mathematical models
6. Microsoft Excel with Excel solver (model definition and solution, sensitivity analysis)
7. AMPL Software with commercial solvers (syntax, model definition and solution)


Course slides available at the teaching web page link.
Supplementary material: software handbooks available on the web.

Teaching methods

The course is divided into two parts: the first one is about numerical simulation and Arena software, while the second part deals with Linear and Integer Linear Programming models as well as Excel and AMPL software.
The course consists of lectures and exercises, all of them in the computer lab. The lectures teach the use of the simulation and optimization software on simple problems. In addition, the basics of the theory employed by the software is recalled. The exercises are guided by the teacher and case studies are proposed: the students are invited to solve some variants on their own by using the simulation and optimization software. At the end of each exercise, the teacher shows a solution.

Assessment methods

There are two types of exams.
1) The first type, available only during the teaching period, consists of two mid-term lab tests, one on simulation with Arena and the other one on mathematical models with Excel or AMPL. Each test takes about one hour. Each test is evaluated by A, B or C. A corresponds to >=18, B corresponds to >=15 and <18, and C corresponds to <15. The exam is passed only if the evaluations of the two mid-term lab tests are: both tests with A, or one test with A and the other one with B.
If one gets C in the first mid-term test or doesn't come to the test, he/she cannot take the second test and must take the complete lab exam. If one doesn't come to the second test, he/she must take the complete lab exam (even if the first test was evaluated A or B).
2) The second type consists of the complete lab exam, that is on both parts (simulation and mathematical models) in the same day and takes about two hours.

The lab exam aims at verifying the student skills in the use of the software to solve simulation and optimization problems. A good knowledge of the basics of Operations Research is required.

The ESAMIX lab platform is used during the exam: the student develops the project by using the suitable software and writes answers to simple questions on the project. ESAMIX is used to upload the developed project. Only the material (e.g. slides, exercises) uploaded on the student's account in the lab pc can be used. Usb sticks, paper notes, books, smartphones, laptops, tablets cannot be used.

It is required that the students register on AlmaEsami to take part to the exams (both for the mid-term and for the complete exams).

Teaching tools

The commercial software ARENA for Process Interaction Simulation.
Excel and AMPL software for Integer Linear Programming.

Office hours

See the website of Valentina Cacchiani