85924 - Sem. Male Violence Against Women

Academic Year 2017/2018

  • Docente: Carla Faralli
  • Credits: 3
  • SSD: IUS/20
  • Language: Italian

Learning outcomes

The Seminar develops some of the academic activities already undertaken at the Bologna Department of Philosophy and Communication in an effort to raise awareness about male violence against women and to understand the cultural, social, ethical and legal management of the phenomenon, both in Italy and in Europe.

Course contents

The seminar (second semester) covers the interdisciplinary study of issues related to the phenomenon of violence against women. This is done by way of lectures aimed at broadening the thematic and methodological horizons that can be embraced by scholars and experts and by way of group discussions aimed at highlighting the complexity of the phenomenon. The seminar includes 12 lessons each of which lasts for two hours, including the time for debate.


All information about the Seminar and the bibliography will be provided at the beginning of the course and will be published online at http://campus.unibo.it or at https://www.unibo.it/sitoweb/carla.faralli

Teaching methods

The course consists in lectures followed by discussions and will be supported by multimedial tools. The lectures will take place in the second semester.

Please check the website www.giuri.unibo.it for the room and the weekly schedule of the lectures.

Assessment methods

The final exam requires the attendance of classroom lectures (with a maximum limit of 3 absences) and it can be either written or oral, depending on each student's choice: students will thus be asked to select a topic from the syllabus and either hand in a paper or make a presentation on that topic. In either case, the examination will be geared toward assessing the student's ability to engage critically with the current issues.

Teaching tools

Lectures given by external specialists and followed by a debate.

All information about the course and any notice, as well as any supplementary material, will be made available online at http://campus.unibo.it or at https://www.unibo.it/sitoweb/carla.faralli

Office hours

See the website of Carla Faralli