85609 - I Leave because I Am: Legal Issues and Stories of LGBT Migration

Academic Year 2017/2018

  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Bologna
  • Corso: Single cycle degree programme (LMCU) in Law (cod. 0659)

Learning outcomes

The seminar series aims at strengthening the students' awareness on legal issues concerning the protection of LGBT migrants, with particular regard to international and EU law instruments.

Course contents

The series consists of 8 seminars of 3 hours each.

Professors of the UNIBO Law School, as well as stakeholders and practitioners will be involved as speakers.

The main topics covered are the following ones:

  1. Identity and words (22 February 2018)
  2. LGBT migrants and migration: what linkage? (1 March 2018)
  3. LGBT asylum seekers: what protection? (8 March 2018)
  4. Looking for rights, finding chains (19 March 2018)
  5. Discrimination and protection (22 March 2018)
  6. LGBT migrants and religion (4 April 2018)
  7. LGBT persons' protection in the ECHR system (9 April 2018)
  8. Final round table with representatives of the main associations involved in the protection of migrants (12 April 2018)

All seminars will take place in Room VI (Palazzo Malvezzi, via Zamboni 22, Bologna), 3-6 PM.



Reading materials lists will be distributed among participants.

Teaching methods

The seminars will be highly interactive. Theoretical issues will be confronted with practical cases in order to allow the students to understand and verify how the relevant legal framework is actually implemented.

Assessment methods

A final written exam will be organised for attending students.

It will consists of two parts.

The first part will include 6 multiple choice questions while the second one will consists of a short essay (6-7 lines) on a specific topic covered during the seminars.

Teaching tools

Teaching tools (slides, documents, bibiographical references) will be made available through the online platform AMS Campus.

Office hours

See the website of Federico Casolari