85469 - Law of International Organizations

Academic Year 2017/2018

  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Bologna
  • Corso: Second cycle degree programme (LM) in International Relations (cod. 8782)

Learning outcomes

This course provides an introduction to the field of international law and organisation, examining the history of ideas, legal doctrines, institutional and administrative structures developed over the last century to organise and legalise international life. It aims at giving students a basic knowledge on the principal legal issues regarding international organisations whose membership is that of States. In this respect, while special emphasis will be placed on the United Nations system, due to its leading role in the international arena, other intergovernmental organisations will be considered. In particular, particular attention will be paid to the interraction among universalism and regionalism in that domain. By considering the specific role played by international organisations vis-à-vis the major global challenges of today (such as economic and financial crises, migration flows, internal and international conflicts, man-made and natural disasters, epidemics) the course will also allow students to critically assess the concrete role international organisations have assumed in the international community, as well as their limits and possible future developments.

Course contents

The course will deal with the following topics: - notion and historical development of International Organizations (IOs); - the IOs' international personality; - structure and functioning of the IOs; - the IOs' internal legal order; - the membership; - the IOs' funding; - the immunities and privileges of the IOs; - the status, immunities and privileges of IOs' officials; - the international responsibility of IOs; - IOs and dispute settlement.


J. Klabbers, An Introduction to International Organizations Law, 3rd ed., Cambridge University Press, 2015

Teaching methods

The course will be highly interactive. Theoretical issues will be confronted with practical cases in order to allow students to understand and verify how IOs concur to the development and enforcement of international law. Moreover, students will occasionally be asked to prepare in advance judgments or other reading material uploaded on the professor's web site in due time.

Assessment methods

The students' learning will be constantly verified through discussions and debates. The final exam will be oral.

Teaching tools

Teaching tools (slides, documents, bibiographical references) will be made available through the online platform AMS Campus.

Links to further information


Office hours

See the website of Federico Casolari