84887 - Plant Biology, Pharmaceutical Botany

Academic Year 2017/2018

  • Moduli: Fabiana Antognoni (Modulo 1) Fabiana Antognoni (Modulo 2)
  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures (Modulo 1) Traditional lectures (Modulo 2)
  • Campus: Rimini
  • Corso: Single cycle degree programme (LMCU) in Pharmacy (cod. 9223)

Learning outcomes

The aim of this course is to provide knowledges about the most used medicinal plants, in particular those of pharmaceutical, herbalistic , cosmetic and voluptuary use. The student attending this course learns how the production of active compounds by medicinal plants is affected by several factors, and aquires the basic tools for recognizing medicinal plants.

Course contents

Plant Biology -Organization of living organisms: procaryotes and eukaryotes. Autotrophy and heterotrophy. Differences between plant and animal organisms. The eukaryotic plant cell and its organization. The primary and secondary cell wall. The vacuole and its osmotic role in the plant cell. Plant secondary metabolites.  The different types of plastids. Photosynthesis at a glance. Growth and differentiation of plant cell. Tissues of Vascular Plants: meristematic and adult tissues. Simple and complex tissues. Structure and function of the organs of Terrestrial Plants: stem, root and leaf. Primary and secondary structure of Plants: Gymnospermae and Angyospermae, Dicotyledons and Monocotyledons. The reproduction of Angiosperms: fertilization and pollination.


Pharmaceutical Botany- The utility of plants for human beings. Plants as source of chemical compounds of medicinal interest. Definition and scope of pharmaceutical botany. The concept of natural drug. Historical context of the use of plants as medicines.  Endogenous and exogenous factors which affect the production of secondary metabolites in plants. Plants as source of chemicals for semi-synthesis reactions. Use of plants for biotechnological applications. The classification of the plant kingdom. Systemic botany and Taxonomy. The Binomial Nomenclature. Morphological characters useful for the identification of medicinal plants: flowers, Leaves, fruits. Spermatophyta: Angiosperms and Gymnosperms.

Algae: Rhodophyta, Pheophyta, Chlorophyta, and their practical uses. Botanical description of 60 plants of medicinal use, their geographical distribution, plant part used, and active compounds of pharmaceutical interest produced .

Plants as source of chemicals for semi-synthesis reactions. Use of plants for biotechnological applications.

Botanical description of 61 plants of medicinal use, their geographical distribution, plant part used, and active compounds of pharmaceutical interest produced .



Sadava D., Heller H.G., Orians G.H., Purves W.K., Hillis D.M. La cellula- 3°edizione italiana, Zanichelli

Sadava D., Heller H.G., Orians G.H., Purves W.K., Hillis D.M. La biologia delle piante -3° edizione italiana, Zanichelli

Speranza A., Calzoni G.L. Struttura delle piante in immagini - Zanichelli Editore


Maugini E. , Maleci Bini L., Mariotti Lippi M. Botanica farmaceutica , Piccin editore, Padova, IX edizione. 2014.

Teaching methods

Front lessons will be performed with Power Point slides and projector.

Assessment methods


Testing is done through the final exam consisting of a 60 minute written test followed by an oral test.

The written test consists of 30 multiple-choice questions on all topics of the program (0.9 points each) and the recognition and description of three structures concerning cytology, histology and plant organography (with a score of 0 to 1 point each).

The oral examination, mandatory only if the score of the written test is less than 25, is inspired by the written test topics for a more accurate evaluation of the student's preparation.


Testing is done through the final exam consisting of a 60 minute written test followed by an oral test.

The written test consists of 10 multiple-choice questions about the general part of the program (1 point each) and the recognition and description of two medicinal plants (with a score of 0 to 10 points each).

Examination must take place through the Almaesami website. Appeals are scheduled in: January / February; March or April; June / July / September; December (which can not be attended by newcomers). Spousal students can apply for appeals outside the official examination windows.

The final score of the integrated course Plant Biology - Pharmaceutical Botany is defined after the overtaking of both modules, and results from the mathematical average of the scores gained at the two individual examinations. The Phrmaceutical Botany module must be held within 12 months from the Plant Biology one.

Teaching tools

Frontal lessons are made using Power Point slides and videoprojector.

Office hours

See the website of Fabiana Antognoni