27276 - Laboratory (1) (G.D)

Academic Year 2017/2018

  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Bologna
  • Corso: First cycle degree programme (L) in History (cod. 0962)

Learning outcomes

At the end of the laboratory, the student is able to move independently into formulating and designing a research or intellectual work path using the specific tools learned. He can work autonomously and organized, possesses a spirit of self-criticism and the ability to learn from confrontation with others. It possesses methodological rigor, precision and accuracy.

Course contents

The laboratory is designed for students from History and Humanities degrees; it consists in 25 hours of up front lessons. The aim is to offer to the student a preliminary overlook on the different methods of archaeological investigation: from survey techniques to findings analysis.

The lessons are divided in 4 subjects of 6 hour each:

-From the territory to archaeological site: remote sensing and geophysical analysis

-On the field: topographical and photographical survey

-Archaeological evidence: findings documentation

-Archaeological evidence: faunal and botanical findings

Full attendance is required

The laboratory will take place in the month of May 2018.


there isn't any bibliography.

Teaching methods

The Laboratory is organised with up front lessons that will lead the student to directly approach the specific problems of the archaeological excavations and its documentation.

Assessment methods

At the end of the laboratory the students will be tested with a multiple question quiz.

Teaching tools

During classes will be made a wide usage of visual supports (power point), available to the student at the end of the laboratory.

Office hours

See the website of Elisabetta Govi