81988 - Labour in Psychology of Work

Academic Year 2017/2018

Learning outcomes

The main objective of this activity is to strengthen practical skills related to the concepts and theories learnt during the main courses offered by the degree. Specifically, this activity is strictly related to the Work Psychology course for third-year students. At the end of the activity the student will be able to collect, organize, and analyse complex information and data and to present them in written and/or oral form. 

Course contents

This lab activity aims at developing basic data analysis skills focusing on univariate and bivariate analysis of psychosocial data derived from surveys. Presentation skills through the use of graphs, tables and summaries will also be developed.  

The following activities will be carried out during the lab:

- Creation of a framework excel for data entry

- Coding (i.e., development of a 'code book') of questionnaire data

- Data entry in excel

- Data cleaning

- Missing data basic treatment

- Computation of scale scores for multi-item psychometric scales

- Construction of graphs (e.g., histograms) for representing the sample sociodemographic data

- Construction of graphs for representing the data obtained from scales scores

- Computation of correlations between quantitative variables

- Construction of a correlation matrix/table by using excel or a similar software

- Interpretation of the data contained in a correlation table

- Writing up of a summary report describing the main results emerged from the analyses.


Before the beginning of the lab the student should read chapter 1 of the book "Gestire lo stress nelle organizzazioni" (Balducci - Il Mulino, 2015). Additional material will be indicated by the lecturer during the first meeting. Foreign students can contact the lecturer for discussing the possibility of reading a different article/chapter in English.

Teaching methods

Practical exercises using computers equipped with specific softwares (excel and pspp).

Assessment methods

Writing up a short research report regarding the main analyses conducted as part of a final data analysis exercise and a brief discussion with the lecturer.

Teaching tools

Personal computers equipped with excel and pspp.

Office hours

See the website of Cristian Balducci