78160 - Methodology of Political and Social Research (F-N)

Academic Year 2017/2018

  • Docente: Roberto Cartocci
  • Credits: 10
  • Language: Italian
  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Bologna
  • Corso: First cycle degree programme (L) in Political, Social and International Sciences (cod. 8853)

Learning outcomes

Learning outcomes

This course provides an introduction to the most important methodological problems students of political and social science have to tackle constantly. It is designed to get participants acquainted with opportunities and limits of data-gathering and data-analyzing techniques. The objectives of the class are to prevent a mechanical and non-critical use of these techniques and to make students aware of the peculiar nature of social sciences subjects of analysis: human beings, their symbols, values, and institutions.

Course contents

Course contents

The first part of the course begins with a study of the epistemological and gnoseological elements of human sciences: the concept of concept, the differences between concepts and propositions, the distinction between physical sciences and social sciences.

The second part deals with the logic of the social research and the survey design: unity of the analysis, variables, indicators, sampling procedures, data-matrix construction.

The third part is focused on the principles of the statistical analysis: from the function of monovariate analysis to the logic of multivariate analysis.


1) A. MARRADI (2007), Metodologia delle scienze sociali. Bologna: Il Mulino (esclusi i capitoli 1 e 2)

2) Uno dei seguenti libri a scelta:

- P. BORDANDINI e R. CARTOCCI (2009), Cipolle a colazione. Bologna: Il Mulino

- R. CARTOCCI (2011), Geografia dell'Italia cattolica. Bologna: Il Mulino

- P. BORDANDINI (2012), la spada di Vendola, Roma: Donzelli

- G. DI FEDERICO e M. SAPIGNOLI (2014), I diritti della difesa el processo penale e la riforma della giustizia, Padova, Cedam.

3) Lecture notes on data analysis (monovariate techniques, cross tabulation, regression and correlation, analysis of variance) available on this web page ("materiali didattici").

Teaching methods

Classroom lessons, with possible additional lessons on single topics.

Assessment methods

Students who regularly attend the course can participate in a procedure of evaluation during the course period. It consists of two tests based on a set of multiple choice questions.

Those who do not attend – or those who didn't pass the above procedure – have to attend one written test and an oral exam at the official examination times.

Teaching tools

Classroom lessons, with possible additional lessons on single topics.

Office hours

See the website of Roberto Cartocci