72633 - Laboratory of Quantitative Methodology for Social Research (M-Z)

Academic Year 2017/2018

  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Forli
  • Corso: First cycle degree programme (L) in Sociology (cod. 8495)

Learning outcomes

Participation in the workshop allows the student to discover one of the advanced methods for the analysis of data (numeric or text) in the social sciences, and learn how to apply trough the main software available. At the end of the workshop path the student is able to build a data matrix, predispose the information processing, realize analysis and interpreting the results thereof. Because learn to use software for analysis information so aware (of the theoretical and methodological choices that guide the technical aspects) takes time and application, this workshop each year will focus on a theme, so as to enable the participants to come to acquire the techniques presented in a fair and be able to apply operationally independent way.

Course contents

The course aims to concretely experience the participants the use of quantitative techniques of collection (structured questionnaire), treatment (statistical software for data analysis), processing and data analysis (univariate and bivariate analysis) in the field  of social research .
  In particular the following topics will be discussed:
  1. Preparation of a research project (I. Objectives II. Subject of study; II. Methodology; IV  Research Team; V. Timing and phases; VI Budget).
  2. Details of the research design  (a. Definition of the research object; b. Identify the unit of analysis; c. Population and sample; d. Identification of survey instruments; e. Construction of research tools; f. Test instruments and possible reformulation).
  3. Illustration of the social research methodological cycle (1. Research design  2. Data collection; 3. Treatment, processing and analysis of data; 4. dissemination of results).
  4. The operational definition (assumptions, concepts, variables);
  5. The questionnaire (the construction of questions with open and closed answers);
 6. Data collection (detection problems);
 7. Code-book and matrix of data;
 8. Mono-variate analysis (simple frequencies);
  9. Bi-variate analysis (cross tabulation).

Participating students will experience a real empirical research. In particular, students will be required to engage in a  group work aimed to prepare a questionnaire and administer it to a sample of subjects. In addition, the student will have the chance to experience the data analysis (univariate and bivariate)  through the use of  statistical software, with databases provided by the teacher.


P. Corbetta, La ricerca sociale: metodologia e tecniche II. Le tecniche quantitative, il Mulino, Bologna, 2015 (seconda edizione)
P. Corbetta, Metodologia e tecniche della ricerca sociale, Il Mulino, Bologna, 2014 (seconda edizione); Parte Seconda. La rilevazione dei dati: Tecniche quantitative (pp.73-360).

Teaching methods

During the lectures it will be used multimedia learning materials, databases and software for statistical analysis. It will be encouraged the active participation of the student activity in laboratory.

Assessment methods

As indicated in the teaching regulations of the course of study, the laboratory has the obligation to attend. To attest to the effective participation of students in a class, the teacher will collect the signatures of those present at each meeting. They are allowed a maximum of 4 absences.

The verification of the preparation and skills gained during the course activities consist of a written exercise and oral colloquium.

Teaching tools

Video projector, PC, overhead projector, laboratories.

Office hours

See the website of Andrea Bassi