75520 - Communication and Marketing

Academic Year 2017/2018

  • Docente: Pina Lalli
  • Credits: 8
  • SSD: SPS/08
  • Language: Italian
  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Bologna
  • Corso: Second cycle degree programme (LM) in Public and Corporate Communication (cod. 8840)

Learning outcomes

Students will be introduced to: a) theorical concepts for the analysis of socio-cultural processes that influence the agenda building of social problems; b) methodological tools in order to analyze the social factors influencing the communication for change; c) methodological skills for the design of communication and marketing plans.

Course contents

  • The communicative arenas in the contemporary public and digital sphere
  • Information, communication and marketing: which models for social change process indicators and social change outcomes indicators; similarities and differences among for profit and non profit marketing
  • Characteristics of effective social communication campaigns' strategies and overview on marketing tools (an integrated model for marketing mix ; marketing and advocacy; ethics, communication, marketing, new social labeling and social corporate responsibility in international markets challenges;  planning and strategy development; assessing effectiveness, etc.)
  • Social media marketing: the relevance of the relationships and the content management
  • Corporate Social Responsibility: what challenges?


The following suggested readings concern students that could attend the lessons.

1) S. Hilgartner and C.L. Bosk, "The Rise and Fall of Social Problems", in American Journal of Sociology, vol. 94, 1988, pp. 53-78

2) M. Schudson, "How Culture Works: Perspective from Media Studies", in Theory and Society, Vol. 18, No. 2. (Mar., 1989), pp. 153-180 (limited access JSTOR by PC connected by unibo.it, or by proxy service)

3) P. Kotler, "Marketing in the Twenty-First Century, in Id., Marketing Management Millenium Edition, Boston, MA., Pearson Custom Publishing, 2002, pp. 1-18.

4) P. Kotler, "Designing and Managing Integrated Marketing Communications", in Id., Marketing Management Millenium Edition, Boston, MA., Pearson Custom Publishing, 2002, pp. 271-297.

5) D. Zwick, A. Bradshaw,"Biopolitical Marketing and the Ideology of Social Media Brand Communities", in Theory, Culture & Society, pp. 91-115, DOI: 10.1177/0263276415625333

6) F. Cochoy, "Consumers at work, or curiosity at play? Revisiting the prosumption/value cocreation debate with smartphones and two-dimensional bar codes ", in Marketing Theory, july 2014

7) K. Hallahan et al., "Defining Strategic Communication", in International Journal of Strategic Communication, I (1), 2007, pp. 3-35


Lectures alternatives suggérées pour les étudiants francophones  (French Suggested Readings for French Students): 

1) D. Cefai, «   La construction des problèmes publics. Définition de situations dans des arènes publiques », Réseaux, 14/1996 (n. 75), pp. 43-66. 

2) Miège B., «   Les industriels de la culture et de l'information à l'ère des nouveaux médias et des réseaux de diffusion », Sociologie de la communication, 1/1997, (n. 1), pp. 73-96. 

3) Thompson, J. B., «   La nouvelle visibilité », Réseaux, 2005/1, n. 129-130, pp. 59-87. 

4.  Choisir au moins l'un des outils et pistes de recherche suivants:   
La communication responsable, source de valeurs, Guide pratique, UDA 2011.  
- Communication responsable et création de valeur(s), Session-Dialogue Uda du 5 octobre 2012 entre annonceurs et parties prenantes, UDA 2013.      
Vers une consommation durable: quel nouveau rôle pour la communication commerciale?, UDA 2010.    
Comment les annonceurs peuvent mettre en place la communication marketing intégrée, Guide pratique CMI - UDA, 2011
- Arnaud A., «  Confiance et réputation: les réseaux sociaux changent la donne », La revue des marques, n. 81, janvier 2013, pp. 20-24       
5. Choisir l'un des exemples de recherche suivants
-  Donnat O., «  Les pratiques culturelles des Français à l'ère numérique », Culture études 5/ 2009 (n. 5), pp. 1-12.     
- Bonneville L. et Nahon-Serfaty I, «  Consommation de médicaments au Canada: le rôle des stratégies de communication  des industries pharmaceutique», Revue internationale communication sociale et publique, 2009, n. 2, pp. 55-76.  
- Jahnich, M.,  Etude exploratoire sur le marketing responsable, ADEME, Septembre 2013. 

Teaching methods

Lectures, interactive methods for case analysis, seminars with professionals, experimental use of the online materials of the textbook Marketing.

Assessment methods

Written assessment (open-ended questions on the suggested reading lists, aiming at verifying the right and critical understanding: Erasmus and other exchange students have to inform the teacher which readings they choose). 
Foreign students can write for answering in one of the following languages: Italian, English, French, Spanish.

Alternative forms of assessment method for Erasmus and other exchange students who attend and participate to the lessons: a paper on a case analysis based on the suggested readings and at least on the textbook on marketing (a final bibliography is needed); the case analysis will include the proposal of a marketing integrated communication plan); it can be written in French or English or Spanish, or - of course - Italian). The paper will be sent to ddc.tesinalalli@unibo.it by 15 December 2017.

Teaching tools

Slides and videos, case analysis with experts, eventually off line and online groups, readings and use of some specialized webpages of the textbook for individual or group works.

Furthermore it will be possible to attend an optional workshop concerning the web marketing strategies.

Links to further information


Office hours

See the website of Pina Lalli