72868 - Theory and Models of Lifelong Learning and Continuing Education (LM)

Academic Year 2017/2018

Learning outcomes

At the end of the course the student critically knows theories and models,as well as criteria and norms useful to promote his/her intervention - in the contexts where he/she is working - in a lifelong learning perspective.
The student knows how to plan, manage and coordinate field and research activities, he/she knows how to introduce proper changes and assessments; he/she knows how to work in a system perspective and how to create useful collaborations in order to take part in a research team, both national and international, by promoting innovative, specific and integrated plans.
He/she knows how to use coping and empowerment strategies to reduce the risk of burnout (for him/herself, for the colleagues, for the users), he/she knows how to promote and develop his/her personal and professional knowledge/abilities/competences, and those of his/her colleagues and users,respecting the specific needs and expectations of different ages.

Course contents

The course will deal with the most important theories and models relating to lifelong education, together with the formative dimension of work in complex organizations – with the globalization of market and information on the background. The course will also deal with empirical research and opportunities of educational intervention emerging from the plurality of approaches of contemporary pedagogical debate. The relationship adult/education will in particular be dealt considering some fundamental variables such as gender, culture , competencies. Included on-line Lessons.

 On-line Lessons




Starting lessons: see web

Course Book:

- M. Gallerani, Prossimità inattuale, FrancoAngeli, Milano 2015 (New Edition).

Recommended texts (choose one of the following):

- D. Demetrio, A. Alberici, Istituzioni di Educazione degli adulti, Milano, Guerini Studio, 2002 or M. Castiglioni (a cura di), L'educazione delgi adulti tra crisi e ricerca di senso, Unicopli, Milano 2011.

- A. Alberici, La possibilità di cambiare. Apprendere ad apprendere come risorsa strategica per la vita, Milano, Franco Angeli 2008

- EDA nella contemporaneità. Teorie, contesti e pratiche in Italia
Speciale "MeTis". Mondi educativi, Progedit, Bari 2016 - Riviste [http://www.progedit.com/index.php?where=list&type=collana&col=26]. Numero acquistabile on-line a 10 euro - ISBN/ISSN: 978-88-6194-296-7

- M. Castiglioni (a cura di), L'educazione degli adulti tra crisi e ricerca di senso, Milano: Unicopli 2011

- E. Marescotti (a cura di), Ai confini dell'educazione degli adulti. I limiti, le possibilità, le sfide, Milano: Mimesis 2015

- M. Castiglioni (a cura di), Figure della cura: gesti, immagini, parole per narrare, Milano: Guerini 2015

- B. Mapelli. Galateo per donne e uomini. Nuove adultità nel contemporaneo, Milano, Mimesis 2014.

- C. Argyris, D.A. Schön, Apprendimento organizzativo, Milano, Guerini e associati, 1998

- A. Bandura, Autoefficacia, Trento, Erickson, 2000

 - D. Fabbri, A. Munari, Strategie del sapere, Milano, Guerini Studio 2005

If your interests concern a specific area you can contact the Professor in order to arrange a program of study together.

Teaching methods

 Dialogical lessons; discussions/debate; spider diagram and maps; individual and/or group researches; analysis and readings of texts with specific pedagogical language.

Assessment methods


- Write examination.

- If your interests concern a specific area you can contact the Professor in order to arrange a program of study together.


Teaching tools

PowerPoint; Seminars; on-line lessons.

Experts' lectures and debates; film or documentary; PowerPoint slides and/or other materials; reading and individual personal write elaboration.

Links to further information


Office hours

See the website of Manuela Gallerani