72666 - Principles of Horticulture

Academic Year 2017/2018

  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Bologna
  • Corso: First cycle degree programme (L) in Agricultural Technology (cod. 8524)

Learning outcomes

At the end of the course, the student will know the main features and problems of vegetable crops and floriculture sectors, with reference to the Italian and international markets. The student will have a good preparation on the aspects dealing with cultural practices, economy and market in horticulture, and will be skilled to manage greenhouses and the most current horticultural farming systems.

Course contents

A) Prerequisites

The students who access this course have a good knowledge of the fundamentals of biology and botany and are skilled in agronomy, agro-meteorology, bio- and soil-chemistry that allow him to understand the issues of both open field and greenhouse crops. The students also have the basics of inorganic chemistry and physics that allow them to learn about aspects of water and mineral nutrition of horticultural crops. These prerequisites are provided during the first two years of the bachelor program

Under the big theme of the innovations in crop production, to acquire the ability to check, select and manage the most efficient and sustainable production systems in horticulture is a priority in the formation of a modern agronomist, and for those who want to continue their studies enrolling in master courses.

 B) Teaching units

The course consists of seven teaching units covering:

1) Current status and future scenarios of horticulture in Italy and abroad (i.e. vegetables grown in open field, vegetables grown in greenhouses, cut flowers, pot plants, transplant production) (Total teaching unit 2 hours):

a) Trends in cultivated areas and evolution of main cultivation techniques;

b) Evidence on the markets.

2) Main horticultural cropping systems (conventional, integrated, "organic" and conservative) (Total teaching unit 2 hours).

3) Technical and agronomic aspects for a high quality and environmentally friendly horticulture production (integrated production and "organic” systems) (Total teaching unit 4 hours):

a) environment where cultivation is carried out (general considerations of climate and soil) and the concept of "the best area for cultivation”;

b) choice of species and varieties, and rotations in horticulture with particular reference to “organic” systems;

c) soil preparation (basics of conservative agriculture);

d) planting methods (direct seeding and transplanting);

e) irrigation and fertilization;

f) weed control (outline);

g) plant growth regulators;

h) harvest.

4) Greenhouses and other covering systems (Total teaching unit 4 hours):

a) Statistics on covered crops;

b) selection criteria for covering method;

c) shading, windbreaks and mulching (plastic materials and materials of natural origin and biodegradable);

d) tunnels;

e) greenhouses (structures and covering materials);

f) irrigation and fertilization management in covered crops.

5) Fertigation and soil-less cultivation (Total teaching unit 4 hours):

a) the efficiency of fertigation and nutrient uptake (synergy and antagonism):

b) acidification and alkalization of the nutrient solution: the role of bicarbonate as a buffer;

c) preparation of the nutrient solution, fertilizers for fertigation and chelates;

d) open loop and closed loop soilless systems;

e) hydroponics, aeroponics and on-substrate crops;

f) growing media for soilless systems;

g) main soilless systems (NFT, floating hydroponics, aeroponics, bag and container systems, grodan)

6) transplants and pot plants production (propagation of vegetables, flowers and ornamentals) (Total teaching unit 4 hours):

a) seed propagation, seed pre-germinating treatments;

b) vegetative propagation (grafting, cuttings, etc.);

c) choice of substrate and containers;

d) sowing and transplanting

e) irrigation and fertilization in the nursery;

f) controlling the size and architecture of the plant;

g) quality of the plants in the nursery production.

7) The quality of vegetables for fresh consumption and industrial processing (Total teaching unit 4 hours):

a) nutritional and organoleptic quality characteristics, tools for determining the firmness and color, the most important quality traits for the market (shape, size, color, uniformity, extra-season produce, product suitability for industrial processing);

b) pre-harvest factors that affect the quality of vegetables, post-harvest and storage of vegetables (notes), indices for the overall evaluation of the quality, the QDA profiles.


Fundamental will be the use of material provided by the teacher and of lecture notes.

During the course, will be made available online a copy of the presentations made in the class.


For further information we recommend the following texts:

- Tesi R., Orticoltura mediterranea sostenibile, Pàtron, Bologna, 2010.

- Tesi R., Colture protette. Ortoflorovivaismo in ambiente mediterraneo, Il Sole 24 Ore Edagricole, Bologna, 2008.

- Tesi R., Colture fuori suolo in orticoltura e floricoltura, Il Sole 24 Ore Edagricole, Bologna, 2002.

- Tesi R., Colture protette – Ortoflorovivaismo, Il Sole 24 Ore Edagricole, Bologna, 2001.

- Pimpini F. (coord.), Principi tecnico-agronomici della fertirrigazione e del fuorisuolo, Veneto Agricoltura, Padova, 2002.

- Zaccheo P., Cattivello C., I substrati di coltivazione: Aspetti teorici ed applicativi di un fattore chiave delle produzioni in contenitore, Edagricole, 2009.

- Pisante M., Agricoltura Blu: La via italiana dell'agricoltura conservativa, Edagricole, 2007.


Teaching methods

The course consists of lectures (24 hours) and exercises (16 hours), which may include:

- Practical activities in the greenhouse to give the student the opportunity to practice on certain topics,

- Films and documentaries to explore the topics of class,

- Seminars held by visiting professors or experts on issues of particular interest,

- Technical tours to farms, nurseries and / or marketing centers.

Assessment methods

The course is part of the Integrated Course "72665 - Horticulture and Crop Science" together with the teaching " 2096 - Crop Science."

Therefore, the evaluation of the course takes into account jointly the level of knowledge and skills acquired by the student in relation to the contents of all the teachings.

For this course, the skills will be assessed through a final oral examination, consisting of 3 questions. The duration of the oral examination is estimated at around 20-30 minutes.

The final grade is assigned based on the degree of preparation of the student and especially about its capabilities and critical connection between different subjects.

In addition to the official dates of exam, the teacher is available (if contacted by e-mail) for give exam every weeks (preferably Wednesday), consistently with his commitments and institutional research

Teaching tools

PC, projector, PowerPoint presentations, video / DVD.

Office hours

See the website of Giorgio Prosdocimi Gianquinto