71880 - Crime, Punishment and Society

Academic Year 2017/2018

  • Docente: Dario Melossi
  • Credits: 7
  • SSD: SPS/12
  • Language: English
  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Bologna
  • Corso: Single cycle degree programme (LMCU) in Law (cod. 0659)

    Also valid for Second cycle degree programme (LM) in International Relations (cod. 8782)

Learning outcomes

This is a course taught in English for those students from Law, other disciplines, Erasmus or Overseas, who are already cognizant both of the English language and of the basic concepts in Criminology, and would like to explore specific fields and topics in criminology for their own formation, for professional interests, or for preparation of final theses, such as (but not limited to): the relationships between migration, deviance and social control; the "new" prevention of crime in urban settings; the sociology of social control and punishment.

Course contents

This is a course in the sociological theory of crime and punishment. The specific object of the course is the relationship between such theories and the broader framework of migration in the European Union. What is the connection between processes of European unification (legal, political, economic and social) and migrants' criminalization -- in the two aspects of criminalization, i.e. migrants' participation in criminal behavior, and the construction of migrants as criminal subjects? Some of the theories discussed will be the ecological theory of the Chicago School, differential association theory, the theory of anomie, labelling theory, and the theories of "everyday life".


The main texts will be:

Dario Melossi, Crime, Punishment and Migration. London: SAGE, 2015.

Dario Melossi, Controlling Crime, Controlling Society: Thinking About Crime in Europe and America. Cambridge (UK): Polity Press, paperback, ISBN: 9780745634296, distribution: Wiley, 250 pages.

Other readings shall be assigned during the course, according to the topic discussed (see syllabus distributed at the beginning of the course).

Teaching methods

Course attendance is required and will be regularly checked. Participation in collective discussion and presentations will be actively encouraged.

Assessment methods

Examinations are oral examinations. The final assessment will take into consideration also the regular attendance of the course and the student's participation in class discussion.
(Please note that certificates of attendance will be handed out only to those students who have attended the course and obtained at least a "pass" grade at the exam).

Teaching tools

We shall use fictional and documentary visual materials in order to illustrate and discuss the main sociological and criminological theories and the central research topics. Also for this reason, course attendance is required and will be regularly checked, and so is students' participation in collective discussion.

Office hours

See the website of Dario Melossi