58194 - Inspection, Control and Certification of Food Products

Academic Year 2017/2018

  • Moduli: Marcello Trevisani (Modulo 1) Federica Giacometti (Modulo 2)
  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures (Modulo 1) Traditional lectures (Modulo 2)
  • Campus: Bologna
  • Corso: Single cycle degree programme (LMCU) in Veterinary Medicine (cod. 8617)

Learning outcomes

During the course the student acquires theoretical knowledge and the practical skills forthe official control of food. He will learn the inspection procedures, will learn the rules of law that will guide in the inspection, control and certification of food of animal origin. The student at the end of the course will be able to judge if the food business operators fulfil the food safety regulations and their products are suitable for human consumption

Course contents

The course consists of 2 modules:

Module 1 (meat and eggs) has as a lecturer Prof. Trevisani and includes 20 hours of lectures and 4 practical lessons

A. Lectures
1. Introduction to the course. Origins, evolution and field inspection of meat (2 hours)
2. Minimum standards for the protection of farm animals during transport, the stop before slaughter and stunning (1 hours)
3. Lesions and damages connected with the transport of animals (1 hour)
4. Stunning of animals: restraint systems, methods of stunning, signs of proper stunning and management of anomalies (1 hour)
5. ante-mortem inspection: Purpose and scope; methodology; Typical signs of diseases classified in the OIE list; zoonoses detected at ante-mortem (2 hours)
6. ante-mortem inspection: cleanliness of animals; health checks of animals; criteria to order a slaughter with special precautions, delay slaughter, separate slaughter or Killing (2 hours)
7. Chemical risk assessment to the slaughter: Monitoring levels of residues and contaminants; risk factors related to the sanitary management of farms; inspection findings (ante and post mortem) and pharmacosurveillance to target your searches for residues of antibiotics; of fraudulent use methods with anabolic and veterinary drugs and control procedures (2 hours)
8. post-mortem inspection: procedures for post-mortem inspection of domestic hoofed mammals; Documentation of the main parasitic diseases and microbial origin detectable at post-mortem and criteria to be adopted for decisions concerning the destiny of the meat; Transmissible Spongiform Encephalopathies and management of specified risk material (3 hours)
9. Supplementary Examinations meat inspection: trichinosis; multi-residual methods for detecting residues of drugs; bacteriological examination of the meat; boar taint in pork; Histological examination of the accessory sex glands (1 hour)
10. Official inspections at manufacturing plants of meat and criteria for the authorization of manufacturing sites: general organizational structure of official controls in slaughterhouses (the Competent Authority; controls planning, methods and techniques of control (audit, inspection, monitoring , checks, interviews, sampling) (2 hours)
11. health and quality controls of eggs and egg products: the regulatory provisions; quality defects and abnormalities inside the eggs (visible on candling) and external (shell); use of artificial coloring in the diet of hens; hygiene and health problems affecting the production and placing on the market of egg products

B. Practical lessons

 Documentation with movies and images of the inspection procedures and the main and most common of the ante-mortem findings (1 hour) and post mortem (2 hours) and discussion of cases


The module has 2 as a lecturer Dr. Giacometti and includes 20 hours of lectures and 4 practical lessons

The programme of the course includes specific vertical aspects applicable to fishery products:

  • Regulation and control of fishery products: primary production, marketing, sales, administration and transport; ispective methodologies and official controls;
  • Systematics for identification of fish, molluscs and crustaceans species of commercial interest;
  • Judge on suitability of fishery products for human consumption: fulfillments of Food Business Operators and competent authority;
  • Labeling of fishery products, aquaculture and molluscs: provision of food information to consumers;
  • Zoonoses associated with fishery products consumption;
  • Parasites and chemical contaminants on fishery products.

Practical drill-lessons for students gathered in small groups in didactic laboratories or conducted in classroom for exemplifications of real cases.





The course material consists of the recommended textbooks, and materials made available to students in the appropriate web site http://campus.cib.unibo.it [http://campus.cib.unibo.it/]

The recommended books are:

Manuale di ispezione e controllo delle carni. Simone Stella, Eugenio Scanziani, Gabriele Ghisleni. Casa Editrice Ambrosiana

Meat Inspection and Control In The Slaughterhouse. Thimjos Ninios, Janne Lunden, Hannu Korkeala, Maria Fredriksson-Ahomaa (Editors). August 2014, Wiley-Blackwell. ISBN: 978-1-118-52586-9

Controlli ufficiali dei prodotti ittici freschi e legislazione. Leone Francesco. 2009. Ed. Caramanica.

Grande Enciclopedia Illustrata dei Pesci. Paolo Manzoni e Valentina Tepedino. 2008. Ed. EuroFishMarket

Grande Enciclopedia Illustrata dei Crostacei, dei Molluschi e dei Ricci di Mare. 2010. Paolo Manzoni. Ed. EuroFishMarket

Pesci dei mari italiani. Paolo Manzoni. 2015. Ed. gcDeAgostini

Teaching methods

The course consists of 2modules:

Module 1 (meat and eggs) has as a lecturer Prof. Trevisani and includes 20 hours of lectures and 4 practical lessons

The module has 2 as a lecturer Dr. Giacometti and includes 20 hours of lectures and 4 practical lessons

The practical activities will be conducted in the classroom, at slaughterhouse and in the laboratories of the Department.

In the classroom they will use the documentation of cases with movies of the inspection procedures and the main and most common ante-mortem and post-mortem findings. They will discuss the inspection procedures and the criteria to decide on the suitability for human consumption; students will learn how to search for Anisakis larvae and identify fish species.

In the laboratories they will be trained on fish inspection.

At the slaughterhouse student will be trained on the post mortem inspection 

Assessment methods

Students can book for the oral exam only using the procedures provided by the online system Alma Exams. For any information on how to book, go to: (https://almaesami.unibo.it/almaesami/welcome.htm ).

During the exam periods (jannuary-february) and june-september) 3-4 exam sessions will be scheduled. Outside of the he examination windows, but excluding the month of August, other 4 exam session will be available for the students who ar at 5th year have not the duty of following lectures.

The list open after the previous examination list are closed, so each student cannot enroll in more than one list at any time.

The final grade of the integrated course "INSPECTION, CONTROL AND CERTIFICATION OF FOOD" consists of the synthesis of the final evaluations of the various component modules (4 CFU) and internal training (2 CFU). To pass the exam students must achieve at least a pass in each module and training.

The student who does not pass the oral exam is eligible to reseat for exam in subsequent sessions.

For the module 1 the examination is oral and aims to assess the achievement of the main learning objectives:

• Knowledge of control methods and inspection procedures

• Ability to target controls and implement measures to manage risk situations in case of violations.

The exam consists on a discussion on photographically documented clinical and anatomo pathological cases that were illustrated in the practical lessons and on the procedures and methodologies used for the official controls.

For the module 2 two options are available for test formalities:

i) two written tests performed throughout the module and a final conversation about the subjects of the course;

ii) an oral exam at the end of the course.

Written tests consist in multiple choice questions on different subjects of the course and contributed to the 50% of the final module score: correct answers provide positive scores whereas wrong answers provide negative scores with final scores ranging from a minimum of 18 and a maximum of 30 for each written test. Validity of written tests is 1 year. The aim of the oral test is to verify the student's knowledges and ability to apply logico-deductive and problem solving skills.

For students which did not performed written tests, the examination consists in a detailed oral exam on several different subjects of the course.

Teaching tools

Video projector, educational films

Office hours

See the website of Marcello Trevisani

See the website of Federica Giacometti