31199 - Arab Language and Linguistics 2

Academic Year 2017/2018

  • Docente: Giovanni Domenico Benenati
  • Credits: 9
  • SSD: L-OR/12
  • Language: Italian
  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Bologna
  • Corso: First cycle degree programme (L) in Asian Languages, Markets and Cultures (cod. 0980)

    Also valid for First cycle degree programme (L) in Foreign Languages and Literature (cod. 0979)

Learning outcomes

At the end of the course the student is competent in communication skills at the intermediate level, ie includes sentences and frequently used expressions related to basic knowledge. Notify in activities that require exchange of information on common topics and can describe in simple terms his environment. It has an articulated knowledge of the four commun

Course contents

Continuation of the themes developed in the first language course and language Arabic 1. It will address the following topics: the numerals, adjectives, the elativo, the verb forms derived,: the past, the indicative, the subjunctive, the apocopato . The imperatives and the masdar derivative verbs. The ismul'fa'il and ismul'maf'ul derivative verbs. The hypothetical period. The irregular verbs, and defective. The lexicon and the agreement.



1) Veccia Vaglieri L., Avino M., Grammatica teorico pratica della lingua araba

- I vol. Nuova edizione 2014 (i due tomi - parte 1 e parte 2 - sono indivisibili)

- I, 1 Laura Veccia Vagleri, Morfologia e e nozioni sintattiche,rivedute e aggiornate da Maria Avino, xxii + 271 pp. + 18 tav.

- I 2 Maria Avino, Esercizi in lingua araba moderna, xvii + 572 pp.

2) Deheuvels L.-W., Grammatica araba. Manuale di arabo moderno con esercizi e cd audio per l'ascolto. Volume 1. Edizione italiana a cura di Antonella Ghersetti. Zanichelli, Bologna, 2010.
Deheuvels L.-W., Grammatica araba. MAnuale di arabo moderno con eercizi e cd audio per l'ascolto. Volume 2. Edizione italiana a cura di Antonella Ghersetti. Zanichelli, Bologna, 2011.

3) Manca A., Grammatica teorica-pratica di arabo letterario moderno. Roma, Associazione Nazionale di Amicizia e Cooperazione Italo-Araba, 1989.

4) Nahli O. Lingua araba. Il sistema verbale. Edizioni Plus. Pisa University Press, Pisa, 2010.

5) Scheindlin R.P., 201 Arabic verbs. Hauppage, New York, Barron's Educational Series Inc., 1978.


1) Traini R., Dizionario arabo-italiano, 3 vv. Istituto per l'Oriente “C.A. Nallino”, Roma, 1966-1969-1973, in unico volume 1993.

2) Baldissera E., il dizionario di ARABO, DIZIONARIO ITALIANO-ARABO ARABO-ITALIANO, (seconda edizione), Bologna, Zanichelli, 2014.

3) Tresso C.M., Dizionario italiano - arabo, Hoepli, Milano, 2014.

Teaching methods

Frontal lessons. Projections in the original language. Comments in class after the songs selected readings from text passages and from handouts provided by the teacher during class.

Assessment methods

The exam consists of two written tests (a translation from Arabic into Italian with the language collaborator and an Arab-Italian translation with the teacher) and an oral.

N.B. In order to support the language test and linguistic Arabic 2, students must have already passed the language examinations and language Arab 1 and Arab literature 1.

Teaching tools

Using multimedia tools.

Office hours

See the website of Giovanni Domenico Benenati