30081 - Spanish-American Literature 1 (LM)

Academic Year 2017/2018

Learning outcomes

The student possesses in-depth knowledge of the history and development of Latin American literatures in Spanish, with particular attention to the relationship between literary texts and the historical, artistic and linguistic context. He knows and is able to use the practical methodologies for the analysis and interpretation of literary text

Course contents

Representing violence: images and narratives from Argentine post-dictatorship

The course aims to provide students with a theoretical and critical introduction to the study of the relationship between political violence and cultural representations in the Southern Cone with particular attention to literature and photography. After a general reflection on the issue of memory and testimony, the course will focus on reading literary and photographic productions of Argentine post-dictatorship. We will therefore focus on the different modes of testimony in relation to generational membership (direct witnesses / sons of direct witnesses or desaparecidos), and on the other, the different possibilities and problems that each particular media present in relation to the general issue of cultural memory.


Primary Sources:


Bruzzone, Félix, Los Topos, Buenos Aires, Random House Mondadori, 2008.

Alcoba, Laura, La Casa de los Conejos. Buenos Aires, Edhasa, 2008. [ed. or. franc. Manèges, Paris, Gallimard, 2007].

Semán, Ernesto, Soy un bravo piloto de la Nueva China, Buenos Aires, Mondadori Random House, 2012.

López, Julián, Una Muchacha Muy Bella, Buenos Aires, Eterna Cadencia Editora, 2013.

Perez, M E., Diario De Una Princesa Montonera: 110% Verdad, Buenos Aires, Capital Intelectual, 2012.

Further readings:

Robles, Raquel, Pequeños Combatientes, Buenos Aires, Alfaguara - PenguinRandomHouse, 2013.

Pron, Patricio, El espíritu de mis padres sigue subiendo en la lluvia, Madrid, Mondadori - PenguinRandomHouse, 2011.

Urondo Raboy, Ángela. ¿Quién te creés que sos?, Buenos Aires, Capital Intelectual, 2012.

Trillo, Carlos & Lucas Varela, El síndrome Guastavino, Buenos Aires, Mondadori, 2009 (fumetto).


Germano, Gustavo. Ausencias (Assenze). Barcelona, 2008. [http://www.gustavogermano.com]

Brodsky, Marcelo. Buena Memoria, La Marca, Buenos Aires, Roma, 2000. [http://www.marcelobrodsky.com/intro.html]

RES. ¿Dónde están? [http://www.resh.com.ar/esp/obra_individual.php?trabajo=5&foto_actual=1&idio ma=1]

Fernando Gutiérrez. Treintamil - Secuela - Cosas al Río, Buenos Aires, Centro Cultural de la Memoria Haroldo Conti, 2014 [http://conti.derhuman.jus.gov.ar/2014/03/f- fernando-gutierrez.pdf]

Gabriela Bettini. Recuerdos inventados (2002-2003) [http://www.gabrielabettini.com/proyectos/recuerdos-inventados]

Gerardo Dell’Oro, Imagenes en la memoria, Buenos Aires, Centro Cultural de la Memoria Haroldo Conti, 2011 [http://conti.derhuman.jus.gov.ar/2011/03/f_Imagenes_en_la_memoria.pdf]

Inés Ulanosvky, Fotos tuyas[http://v1.zonezero.com/exposiciones/fotografos/ulanovsky/indexsp.html]

Lucila Quieto, Arqueología de la Ausencia/ Archeologiadell’assenza, Torino, Edizioni Angolo Manzoni, 2002.

Julio Pantoja, Los Hijos, Tucumán veinte años después (1997-2001)[http://www.juliopantoja.com.ar/hijos.html]

M. S. Nívoli, Cómo miran tus ojos (2007) [http://www.comomirantusojos.blogspot.com]

M. Acosta, ADN (2008) [http://revistanuestramirada.org/galerias/martinacosta]


Trillo, Carlos & Lucas Varela, El síndrome Guastavino, Buenos Aires, Mondadori, 2009.


Secondary Sources:

a) Un testo a scelta tra:

Erll Astrid, Memory in culture, Basingstoke, Hampshire, Palgrave Macmillan, 2011.

Agazzi Elena e Vita Fortunati, Memoria e saperi : percorsi transdisciplinari, Roma,Meltemi, 2007.

b) Due testi a scelta tra:

Feld, C., & Mor, J. S., El pasado que miramos: Memoria e imagen ante la historia reciente, Buenos Aires, Paidós, 2009.

Sarlo, B., Tiempo pasado. Cultura de la memoria y giro subjetivo. Una discusión, Buenos Aires, Siglo Veintiuno Editores, 2005.

Calveiro Pilar, Poder y desaparición, Buenos Aires, Colihue, 1998.


Basso Fossali, P., & Dondero, M. G., Semiotica della fotografia/ nuova edizione: Investigazioni teoriche e pratiche d'analisi, Rimini Firenze, Guaraldi, 2012.

Fortuny, Natalia , Memorias fotográficas. Imagen y dictadura en la fotografía argentina contemporánea . Buenos Aires, La luminosa, 2014.

Blejmar, Jordana, Luis Ignacio García e Natalia Fortuny, Instantáneas de la memoria. Fotografía y dictadura en Argentina y América Latina, Buenos Aires, Libraria, 2013.

Balletta, Edoardo, "Ausencia, resto, objeto: Una propuesta de lectura de la fotografía argentina post-dictadura" in Kamchatka. Revista De Análisis Cultural, (6), 741-764 [https://ojs.uv.es/index.php/kamchatka/article/view/7101].



Benjamin, Walter, Piccola storia della fotografia (1931), Milano, Skira, 2001.

Bourdieu. La fotografia: usi e funzioni sociali di un'arte media, Rimini Firenze, Guaraldi.

D'Autilia, G., L'indizio e la prova: la storia della fotografia, Milano, La nuova Italia, 2001.

Richard, N., Políticas y estéticas de la memoria, Santiago de Chile, Cuarto Propio, 2006

Agamben, G., Quel che resta di auschwitz: L'archivio e il testimone, Torino, Bollati Boringhieri, 1998.

Richard, N., Crítica de la memoria (1990-2010), Santiago, Chile, Ediciones Universidad Diego Portales, 2010.

Gatti, G., Identidades desaparecidas: Peleas por el sentido en los mundos de la desaparición forzada, Buenos Aires, Prometeo Libros, 2012.

Reati, F. O., Nombrar lo innombrable: Violencia política y novela argentina, 1975-1985, Buenos Aires, Legasa, 1992.

Hirsch, Marianne, "The Generation of Postmemory" in Poetics Today, 29(1), pp. 103-128, 2008.

Didi-Huberman, Georges. Immagini Malgrado Tutto, Milano, Raffaello Cortina editore, 2005.

Sontag, S., Sulla fotografia: Realtà e immagine nella nostra società, Torino, Einaudi, 1992.

Barthes, R., La camera chiara: Nota sulla fotografia, Torino, Einaudi, 1980.

Dubois, P., El acto fotográfico. De la representación a la presentación. Barcelona: Paidós, 1986 [o Philippe Dubois, L'atto fotografico, Urbino, Quattro venti, 1996]

Hirsch, M., Family frames: Photography, narrative, and postmemory, Harvard University Press, Harvard, 1997.


Teaching methods

The course includes, in addition to lectures, the seminar investigation of certain issues relating to the sources studied, as well as the instruments, theoretical and methodological, relevant to their study (more information in this regard will be provided during class).

Assessment methods

The exam will be divided into two parts: (a) paper (tesina) of approx. 15 pages and (b) oral exam.
(A) The paper (which must be delivered to the teacher at least one week before the date they intend to take the exam), this will be the analysis of a topic or text that has been dealt with during the course. (Non-attendingstudents are strongly invited to contact the teacher for useful guidance on this).

A coherently developed essay, well written, does not have a certain perspicacity interpretative will lead to an evaluation of excellence; The lack of one or more qualities mentioned, will lead to evaluations that will result in discrete or sufficient evaluations; an incoherent, insufficiently developed, scarcely, or entirely related to the themes that are touched in the course, or obviously the result of copy and paste, will not allow the student to be admitted to the oral exam.

(B) The oral examination will consist of an interview about the subjects of the course. As for the first year, the interview will be aimed at evaluating the critical and methodological abilities matured by the student who will have to demonstrate appropriate knowledge of the content of the texts examined and the proposed bibliography. The achievement by the student of an organic vision of the themes dealt with in conjunction with their critical use, the demonstration of expressive and specific language skills will be evaluated with excellence marks.
Mostly mnemonic knowledge of the subject, inadequate synthesis and analysis skills and a correct but not always appropriate language will lead to discrete evaluations.
Approximate knowledge, superficial understanding, poor analytical skills, and inappropriate expression will lead to judging between sufficiency and little more.
Lack of training, inappropriate language, lack of orientation within the content and bibliographic materials proposed in the program will only be evaluated negatively.

Teaching tools

Images, texts and powerpoint slides

Office hours

See the website of Edoardo Balletta