30161 - Francophone Literature 2 (2nd cycle)

Academic Year 2017/2018

  • Docente: Anna Soncini
  • Credits: 9
  • SSD: L-LIN/03
  • Language: French

Learning outcomes

The student will learn the history and the development of the extra-European francophone literatures thoroughly, and in particular the relationship between the literary texts and the historical, artistic and linguistic context. He will know and use the practical methodologies for the analysis and interpretation of a literary text.

Course contents

Identity and his problems in the francophonian theatre.

The course aims to analyse how literature presents the problem of the identity within the francophone literatures.

Part I : La Francophonie. Lire le théâtre. L’identité. (25, 26, 27 septembre ; 2,3,4,9,10,11 octobre, in collaboration with Fernando Funari).

Part II - Les écrivains et leurs œuvres :

Québec (16, 17, 23, 30 October in collaboration with Mme le professeur Paola Puccini et M. David Laporte, Québec - Canada):

Marco Micone, Gens du silence, Montreal, Quebec-Amerique, 1982 (bibliothèque de Langues)

Bernard Assiniwi, Il n'y a plus d'Indiens, Montréal, Lemeac, 1983 (bibliothèque de Langues)

Océan indien (6, 7, 8 November : 7 - 8 in collaboration with Mme le professeur Vidya Vencatesan, Université de Mumbai, India):

Nathacha Appannah, Les Rochers de Poudre d'or, Paris, Gallimard, 2003

Belgique ( 13, 14, 15 November):

Maurice Maeterlinck, Le Bourgmestre de Stilmonde, 1919, in Maurice Maeterlinck, Le Bourgmestre de Stilmonde suivi de Le sel de la vie, Paris, Charpentier, E. Fasquelle, 1920 (bibliothèque de Langues; en ligne).

Michel de Ghelderode, Escurial, 1927, in Michel de Ghelderode, Escurial ; Barabbas : théâtre; préface de Pierre Debauche ; lecture de Michel Autrand, Bruxelles, Labor, 2005 (Bibliothèque de Langues)

René Kalisky, Skandalon : pièce en trois parties, Paris, Gallimard, 1970 (Bibliothèque de Langues)

Algérie (20,21,22 November, in collaboration with M. le professeur Karim Assouane, Université d’Alger 2 - Algérie)

Mouloud Mammeri, Le Banquet, Paris, Librairie académique Perrin, 1973, et Le Foehn, Paris, PubliSud, 1982.


In course contents.

Teaching methods

The course is organised in collaboration with francophonian professors.

It will focus on the textual analysis and the literary history.

Assessment methods

Oral exam.

For the exam : all the program done during the lessons plus the analysis of four pieces (see course contents).

Not attendant students must also have studied:

Jean-Louis Joubert, Les voleurs de la langue. Traversée de la francophonie littéraire, Paris, Philippe Rey, 2006


Anne Ubersfeld, Lire le théâtre, Paris, Éditions sociales, 1982


Office hours

See the website of Anna Soncini