83816 - Portuguese and Brazilian Language and Culture: Beginner's Course I

Academic Year 2016/2017

Course contents

This is an annual course that will take place once a week for a total of 40 hours of introduction to the study of Portuguese and Brazilian language.

Using some useful texts the student will learn and study to know how to use it, in some of this specific themes:

- personal presentation;

- how to introduce someone;

- personal day life description, own family and town;

- expressions of joy, sadness, opinions, critics;

- several kind of commerce (caracteristics, what to buy and how to pay).

Also with some several exercises written and verbal, the gramatical structures to study are the following ones:

- names and adjectives number and type;

- the feminine form;

- thle plural form;

- the articles;

- the adverbs;

- the interrogative pronouns;

- the demonstrative pronouns;

- the possessive pronouns;

- the personal pronouns;

- the numbers;

- the verbal forms: Presente and Pretérito Perfeito Simples;

- the Past Participle regular, irregular and dubble;

- the Past Participle regular, irregular and double form;

- the phrasel verbs;

- the prepositions


Obbligatory reading:

- Dias, Ana Cristina,Estratégias 1 Método de Português no Dominío Empresarial, Lidel, Lisboa, (only the first six lessons)

- Coimbra, Olga Matos e Leite, Isabel Coimbra, Gramática Ativa I - 3ªed., Lidel, Lisboa, Julho 2011. cd ISBN 978-972-757-638-8

- small dictionary portuguese - italian (for instance: ed. Zanichelli, Bologna)

Bibliography for individual study:

- Malcata, Hermínia, Guia Prático de Fonética, Acentuação e Pontuação, ed. Lidel, 2008, com cd.

- Dicionário Porto Editora

- Mea, Giuseppe, Dizionario Portoghese-Italiano / Italiano-Portoghese, Zanichelli/Porto Editora,(2 vols. bilingue)

Other recommended reading:

- AAVV, Dicionário Visual Bilingue Italiano-Português, ed. Dorling Kindersley, London, 2006

- Abreu, Maria Helena e Murteira, Rita Benamor, Grammatica del Portoghese Moderno, Zanichelli, Bologna, 1994

- Cunha, Celso e Cintra, Lindley, Gramática do Português Contemporâneo, ed. Sá da Costa, Lisboa, 1985

- Lanciani, Giulia e Tavani, Giuseppe, Grammatica Portoghese, CEA, Milano, 1993

- Matos, Maria Libéria, Dicionário Ilustrado de Português, ed. Lidel, Lisboa, 2014

- Scribedit, a cura di, Parole per viaggiare Portoghese e Brasiliano, Bologna, ed. Zanichelli, 2012

- Ventura, Helena – Caseiro, Manuela, Guia prático de verbos com preposições, ed. Lidel, Lisboa.

Teaching methods

Personal lessons, several exercises in class and as homework.

Assessment methods

Final written and oral examination.

The final written examination will be composed by one text with comprehension questions; several grammatical esercices to fill, change or multiple choise; one composition.

The oral examination will be composed by a personal presentation and interview in portuguese with the teacher.

Teaching tools

Portuguese books, grammars, dictionnary, exercise book prepared by the teacher

Cd rom

Office hours

See the website of Rute Maria Paulo Cadete