79448 - Academic Basecamp

Academic Year 2015/2016

  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Bologna
  • Corso: Second cycle degree programme (LM) in International Horticultural Science (cod. 8883)

Learning outcomes

The Academic Basecamp will introduce the students the main areas related to horticulture and to their challenges. The students will be put in contact, from the very beginning, with the needs and challenges related to their future field of employment

Course contents

The Academic Base Camp deals with:

1. the most recent updated on the scientific research on the horticultural sector performed at the different partner Universities

2. practical problems of the horticultural production chain and offer an innovative point of view on these problems. The stakeholders also introduce their research needs. During this activity the student have the chance to discuss directly with them the possible organization of a master thesis or practicum aiming to respond to the presented research needs

3. acquiring the necessary soft skills to approach complex problems and to present results in an efficient way

4. acquiring the necessary soft skills for public speaking

5. acquiring the necessary soft skills for team work


Selected publications provided by the teaching staff

Teaching methods

Seminars organized by IMaHS professors from the Universities belonging to HortAlliance (UNIBO, UNIBZ, TUM, SZIU). The seminars will introduce example of practical case of study related with the topic taught during the 1st semester

Stakeholders' seminars give from external experts on the research interests of the private sector

Visit to horticultural companies

Cooperative Problem Solving activities on selected topics from the courses of the 1st semester 

Assessment methods

The students, by working in small groups, have to organise a presentation/seminar on a selected topic. The seminar should present an orginal approach to solve the case of study/problem select for the review.

Each of the students should highlight her/his role in the team and should present a summary of the performed work

Teaching tools

Power point presentation, projector, white board

Office hours

See the website of Francesco Spinelli