37355 - General and Social Oncological Pedagogy (A-K)

Academic Year 2015/2016

  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Bologna
  • Corso: Single cycle degree programme (LMCU) in Medicine and Surgery (cod. 8415)

Learning outcomes

One of the most critical aspects in the control of neoplastic disease is the communication and psychological involvement of the patient and family. After completing this course, students learn how to approach the patient with cancer and to frame his problems in the socail context both during the communication of the disease and in the clinical course until the terminal stage.

Course contents

The course aims at presenting some theories and stories on adults oncological disease. Attention will be paid to both emotional and cognitive experiences of the patient on one hand, and on the doctor who is treating him, on the other. 
The course will focus on the acquisition of skills in order to be a reflective practitioner, aware of cognitive, emotional and communicative processes. 
The course will be provided in a pedagogical perspective, aimed at focusing on the educational aspects related to care practices, share of suffering, healing or caring till the end.


S.Demozzi, "La cura ricevuta. Medical Humanities: formarsi alle professioni sanitarie ripensandosi "dall'altra parte", in P. Manuzzi (a cura di), I corpi e la cura. Educare alla dimensione corporea della relazione nelle professioni educative e sanitarie, ETS, 2009, pp. 87-105.

Teaching methods

Classes will mix theoretical presentations, readings, watching videos (movies and documentary). Discussion and dialogue with  students will be constantly promoted.

Assessment methods

Written examination.

Office hours

See the website of Silvia Demozzi