72601 - Workshops Internships. (C1)

Academic Year 2015/2016

  • Moduli: Ruben Lazzerini (Modulo 1)
  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures (Modulo 1)
  • Campus: Cesena
  • Corso: Second cycle degree programme (LM) in Applied cognitive psychology (cod. 0991)

Learning outcomes

At the end of the course the student should have acquired the skills to design of complex paths of action with reference to the problems of the evaluation of the development potential of the groups, the prevention of psychological distress,the assistance and psychological support, rehabilitation and promotion of psychological health. Also discussed will be the articles of the Code of Ethics of Psychologists Italian. These skills are necessary to support the second and third round of the state examination for certification to practice as a psychologist.

Course contents

  • Presentation and review of the Italian Code of Psychologists of Law 56/89 establishing the profession of psychologist and other regulatory issues that govern the profession (informed consent, privacy,etc);

  • general aspects of written and oral tests on the State Exam of Psychologists;

  • information on the characteristics of training for professional certification;
  • presentation of the contents of an intervention project in the field of psychology in complex situations (groups);
  • hands-on practice in the drafting of the project intervention areas on the subject of the second practice test the State Exam.


A mandatory bibliography is not provided. However, it is recommended to read the text of "E. Calvi e G. Gullotta (1999). Il Codice deontologico degli Psicologi. Giuffrè editore, Milano”. The contents evaluated in the final assessment are dealt with in the course of workshops.

Teaching methods

Will be given about an hour to give information on the characteristics of the State Exam for the professional qualification, types of evidence and methods of implementation; will give you information on vocational training. The 3 remaining hours of the first day will be devoted to present the main regulatory aspects of the Profession and the comments on the articles of the Code of Psychologists, including the establishment of the profession of law.
The second day of the course will consist of 2 hours and will be dedicated to examine the characteristics and contents of the second round of State Exam on the "Design of interventions in complex situation" with examples and comments. Will be assigned the test to be carried out in a group home and handed over to the next meeting.
The third day of the course of 4 hours will be devoted to reading and discussion of the papers of the plenary group.

Assessment methods

Checks will be made ​​in plenary by reading the proofs of the assigned topics.

Teaching tools

  • Power point presentation;
  • Code of Psychologists Italian.
  • Practical and performance of assigned topics in the classroom.

Office hours

See the website of Ruben Lazzerini