38253 - Autonomic Human Disorders

Academic Year 2015/2016

  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Bologna
  • Corso: Single cycle degree programme (LMCU) in Medicine and Surgery (cod. 8415)

Course contents

Clinical Evaluation of autonomic Functions
Transient loss of consciousness: epidemiology, classification. Reflex syncope.
Central nervous sytem disorders with dysautonomia. ANS & sleep interactions.
Diagnosis and treatment of supine hypertension and orthostatic hypotension

Physiopathology and clinic of autonomic nervous system disorders 

I session: prof Roberto Amici

Aula A - Fisiologia – P.zza Porta S.Donato 2 - Bologna

II session: nociception and ANS interactions - dr.ssa Giulia Pierangeli

Pad. G - 1° piano - Ospedale Bellaria - Via Altura 1/8 - Bologna

III session: prof Pietro Cortelli
Pad. G - 1° piano - Ospedale Bellaria - Via Altura 1/8 - Bologna


Primer on the autonomic nervous system. Third edition. Ed in chief David Robertson
Academic Press 2012

Teaching methods

Lectures, clinical case presentations, comments on sessions with discussion panels, hands-on sessionson human ANS disorders

Assessment methods

The final examination with a multiple choices questionnaire, evaluates the degree of understanding of the main learning targets of the course:
-knowledge the physiopathology of the main autonomic disorders
-knowledge the main treatment of autonomic disorders in the light of the specific physiopathology

Teaching tools

Lectures, clinical case presentations, comments on sessions with discussion panels, hands-on sessionson autonomic human disorders

Office hours

See the website of Pietro Cortelli