00914 - Statistics

Academic Year 2015/2016

  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Bologna
  • Corso: Single cycle degree programme (LMCU) in Veterinary Medicine (cod. 8617)

Learning outcomes

Students will  acquire basic knowledge of statistics, in particular as regards its biological applications; students will be able to understand simple statistical tests.  

Course contents

Aims and organization of the course. Statistics: definition and purpose.

Descriptive statistics:

qualitative and quantitative variables
arithmetic mean
deviance, variance, standard deviation
frequency distributions
graphical representations of data

probability (outlines)
definition and use of statistical tests
statistical tests: limits and requirements
Chi-square and Student t tests:

biological applications
interpretation of test results: the p-value


Whitlock e Schluter -  Analisi Statistica dei Dati Biologici. Zanichelli.

Andrea Petrucci - Compendio di statistica. Maggioli editore.

further materials at the following link: http://campus.cib.unibo.it

Teaching methods

Class lessons and simple problem solving

Assessment methods

The evaluation of students consists of a preliminary written test followed by an oral examination

·        Written test

o      Written test is aimed to verify the comprehension of simple questions and the knowledge of the basic notions required for the admission to the oral examination.

o      The test is individual and consists of an odd number (usually 7) of questions; the student will pass the test if correct answers are more than 50%. The time for the written test should be approximately 30-45 minutes.

o      During the test, students can use pocket-calculators, personal notes and books. Computers, phones and other similar tools are not allowed.

·        Oral examination:

o      Students will enter oral examination after passing the written test.

o      Oral examination will be aimed to assess the student achievement of course objectives, with special emphasis on understanding and communication skills.

o      It will consist of at least one question ranging on the covered topics in order to evaluate the capacity of synthesis and independent judgment of the student.

Teaching tools

Blackboard, computer, slides.

Links to further information


Office hours

See the website of Laura Stancampiano