00248 - Ecology

Academic Year 2014/2015

  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Bologna
  • Corso: First cycle degree programme (L) in Primary Education Sciences (cod. 1313)

Learning outcomes

The student will  have the basic knowledge of ecology and environmental education; use the acquired knowledge base for understanding the dynamics and complexity of the interactions that occur within the biosphere, with particular reference to the identification of the cause / effect relationship in areas belonging to everyday life, a analyze the environment in order to indicate the interactions between the various systems in a dynamic and variable in time and space; reflect critically on the principles of environmental sustainability and the principles of Ecology evolutionary science; use the acquired knowledge and skills to identify and plan learning paths to contribute to the formation of the primary environmental culture of the pupil in kindergarten and primary.

Course contents

The following basic aspects of Elements of Ecology will be addressed:  -Air pollution and climate change.  -The pollution of water and soil 
-The solar radiation and the atmosphere. 
-Nuclear Chemistry: Health and environment -Green economy and sustainability: the energy problem, the renewable sources. 
Educational activities and reflections targeted to the education of the use of natural material and energy resources, both renewable and non-renewable, in a perspective of a sustainable development will be carried out.
The students that will not attend START laboratories are allowed to attend to the second part of the labs that will take place in Aula II o III by the Chemsitry Dept. Chimica "Ciamician", after having contacted the teacher.  


Recommended reading is indicated in the slides available at AlmaDSCampus.  Furhter reading: Baird Cann - Chimica Ambientale - Zanichelli

Cunningham et al. – Fondamenti di Ecologia – Mc Graw Hill

Teaching methods

Frontal lessons

Assessment methods

The exam is oral and consists in the discussion of a short thesis prepared by the student on one of the topics dealt with during the course. The thesis has to be sent to the teacher (by e-mail) at least one week before the data selected for the exam, and it has to contain a) the reasons why the specific topic has been selected; b) the scientific/chemical concepts at the basis of the selected topic; c) in which way these concepts can be explain to the children, with particular attention to experiments that can be carried out in class; d) the pertinent references.

These indications applya even for  non-attending students 

Teaching tools

Power point presentations will be published on Alma DSCampus

Office hours

See the website of Francesca Soavi