02023 - Numerical computing

Academic Year 2006/2007

  • Credits: 2
  • SSD: MAT/08
  • Language: Italian
  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Bologna
  • Corso: First cycle degree programme (L) in Industrial Chemistry (cod. 0013)

Learning outcomes

Fundamentals of numerical calculus. Introduction to studying and numerically solving fundamental problems of scientific calculus,
in preparation to the activities that will be developed within the course of NumericalComputing Laboratory.

Course contents

Finite numbers and floating point arithmetic; error analysis. Polynomial functions; polynomial interpolation and quadrature. Non linear equations. Stationary iterative methods. Matrix factorization due to Gauss and Householder. Matrix eigenvalues. The course activities are supported by laboratory facilities, including the availability of the MATHEMATICA scientific systems.


1. R.Bevilacqua, D.Bini, M.Capovani, O.Menchi, Introduzione alla Matematica Computazionale, Zanichelli 1987.
2. Course Notes, partially edited by Pitagora

Teaching methods

1. Class lectures
2. Exercises and tests
3. Seminars
4. Description of software environments for scientific computing

Assessment methods

Each student can choose between two forms for the final exams:  a 30 questions multiple-choice written text, possibily followed by a short viva;  a viva voce, consisting in answering few questions on the course subjects.

Teaching tools

The course of Numerical Calculus is paralleled and integrated by the laboratory activities of the course of Numerical Computing Laboratory, during which it is possible to explit the resources offered by the MATHEMATICA scientific environment.

Links to further information
