15121 - Biochemistry of Aquatic Organisms

Academic Year 2006/2007

  • Docente: Maurizio Pirini
  • Credits: 4
  • SSD: BIO/10
  • Language: Italian
  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Cesena
  • Corso: First cycle degree programme (L) in Aquaculture and Ichthyopathology (cod. 0403)

Learning outcomes

Students are expected to acquire a basic knowledge of the structure and of the mutual interactions between the main biological molecules, their structural arrangement, cellular functions and of the main metabolic processes involving glucides, lipids, proteins and nucleic acids, with special reference to aquatic organisms.

Course contents

Glucides. Fatty acids and saponifiable lipids. Non-saponifiable lipids: sterols, eicosanoids, liposoluble vitamins. Aminoacids. Proteins. Allosterism. Nucleotides and nucleic acids.  Enzymes. Coenzymes and prostetic groups. Survey on enzyme kinetics. ATP: structure and function. Metabolism and its regulation. Metabolic reactions of electron transfer. NAD, NADP, flavoproteins. Structure of biological membranes. Solute transport across membranes. Glycolysis. Citric acid cycle. Respiratory chain and ATP synthesis by oxidative phosphorylation. Beta-oxidation of fatty acids. Ketogenesis. Aminoacid catabolism. Urea and uric acid synthesis. Glycogen synthesis and glycogenolysis. Gluconeogenesis. Pentose-phosphate pathway. Fatty acid biosynthesis. DNA replication. RNA synthesis. The genetic code. Protein synthesis.


  1. Nelson D.L.,  Cox M.M., Introduzione alla Biochimica di Lehninger , III edizione, Zanichelli.
  2. Stefani M., Taddei N.,  Chimica , Biochimica e Biologia applicata , Zanichelli.
  3. McKee T., McKee J.R., Biochimica-Le basi molecolari della vita, McGraw-Hill
  4. Transparencies and notes from the lessons

Teaching methods

The presentation of each subject is supported by the simultaneous projection of illustrations and schemes to facilitate understanding; the course is accompanied by some practicals and, in agreement with students, by auto-evaluation multiple-choice or open-answer tests  on previously taught subjects.

Assessment methods

Learning will be checked by a final oral test. During the course, in accordance with students, students may be asked to do written multiple-choice or open-answer tests; positive results may proportionally contribute to the final mark. Students who do not perform the tests during the course or do not achieve positive results can participate to the final oral exam consisting of some questions,  deepened and discussed and including brief exercises.

Teaching tools

Blackboard, transparency projector, video-projector, PC, video-recorder, laboratories

Links to further information


Office hours

See the website of Maurizio Pirini