TASSEP – Trans-Atlantic Science Student Exchange Program

TASSEP - Trans-Atlantic Science Student Exchange Program is a consortium of member universities from the European Union, Canada and the United States.

TASSEP is a consortium of universities from the European Union, Canada, and the United States. This programme offers students the opportunity to study abroad while paying tuition fees at their home institution and enrolling at the foreign university with no additional costs.

The goal is to enable students to attend the educational activities of their bachelor's or master's degree programme abroad. The agreement allows for the recognition of academic credits earned at the foreign university.

The programme is open to students in the scientific and scientific/technological fields who hold a B2 certification in English or French and are enrolled beyond the first year of bachelor’s programmes or the first year of master’s programmes.

Participants are registered at the host institution with a student card, granting them all related benefits. Travel and all accommodation expenses are the responsibility of the students; however, the host institution provides contacts to help them find accommodation.

For the 2025/26 academic year, applications will be open for:

  • University of Florida, Gainesville
  • University of Delaware
  • Université de Montréal
  • University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon
  • Queens University, Kingston
  • University of Calgary
  • McMaster University Hamilton

More information and documents required to apply

Application submission

Applications must be sent to mariafrancesca.fochi@unibo.it by 19 January 2025.



Industrial Chemistry "Toso Montanari" - CHIMIND - TASSEP Program

+39 051 2092626