
The theses of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering and the theses of Languages and Literatures, Interpreting and Translation may be browsed online on AMS Tesi di Laurea. The second-cycle degrees theses of Political Sciences of Forlì Campus up to 2016, voluntarily handed in by graduates, are available in print at the Library, cannot be borrowed and are for use in the Library only.

Theses of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering

Theses of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering defended from 2012 and filed with authorization for online publication, can be browsed online on AMS Tesi di Laurea. The access is free or subject to authentication with the University credentials, with reference to the accessibility granted in the declaration of deposit by the graduate.

The validation of this publication process is handled by the staff of the Library that collect the declarations of deposit following the deadlines indicated by the Degree Courses.

The declaration can be delivered directly to the Library or, if impossible, sent by email with attached the digitalizations of the declaration, dated and signed, and of a valid identity document to:

Theses of Languages and Literatures, Interpreting and Translation

Theses of Languages and Literatures, Interpreting and Translation defended up to 2013 can be searched on the SSLMIT Thesis Catalogue and are available at the Teaching Office.

For information:

Theses defended from 2014 may be browesed online on AMS Tesi di Laurea. Some are freely accessible, others can be browsed using your university credentials, unless otherwise indicated.

Theses of Political Sciences

The second-cycle degree theses of Political Sciences, voluntarily handed in by graduates up to 2016, are available in print at the Library.

Theses cannot be borrowed and are for use in the Library only. To require them apply to the Information Desk. You may read only one thesis at a time, under the supervision of a librarian.

You must not photocopy theses or reproduce them by any other digital device; if you do not comply, you will not be allowed to read theses any more.

To obtain a list of the available theses, type the word “tesi” in the search field of the Library Catalogue. Add the supervisor’s surname in the same field to get a list of theses he/she has supervised. You can also add a word describing a subject along with the word “tesi”. The search may likewise be by author, if you know the name of the student who defended the thesis, or by title, or by words in the title.



"Ruffilli" Central Library

Library Manager: Angela Maria Politi


Via San Pellegrino Laziosi, 13 47121 Forlì

Office hours

Monday - Friday: 09:00-24:00
Saturday - Sunday: 09:00-18:00

