58606 - Topics in International Trade

Academic Year 2015/2016

  • Docente: Gianpaolo Rossini
  • Credits: 8
  • SSD: SECS-P/02
  • Language: English
  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Forli
  • Corso: Second cycle degree programme (LM) in International relations and diplomatic affairs (cod. 8783)

Learning outcomes

Students are expected to get familiar with advanced specific International Trade topics and acquire the ability to write short reports with a professional touch. Writing ability on theoretical and empirical issues related to trade, commercial policy, political economy of trade, environment and trade is at the center stage of the class. The main issues concern trade specialization, welfare effects of trade, international factor mobility, commercial policies and their political sustainability (political economy).

Course contents


The program is made of 2 parts.

The first (10 hours 5 lectures) is meant for those with poor background in International Economics and may be skipped by those already familiar with basic trade notions. It is based on a review of traditional theories of International Trade.

The second section is based on 10 lectures (3 hours each)
and it is devoted to specific advanced topics in trade, i.e.,

1.  the new stylized facts of trade

2. the EU integration and the Single market

3. Firm scale economies and trade
4. imperfect competition differentiation and trade
5. intraindustry trade and its measurement
6. external economies of scale, trade, geography and agglomeration
7. Trade policies. Political economy of costs and benefits of International integration with institutional competition

8. Trade, migrations and income distribution

9. international outsourcing
10. trade and environment


References and lecture notes are on the web. Lecture notes of the previous year are available.

Teaching methods

Classes and homeworks with the optional writing of short assignments which add to the grade. Class presentations on specific topics. 

Assessment methods

Written exam for students attending classes. The exam is based on 3 short essays on topics chosen among 9 proposed during classes. Final grade will consider also assignments, reports, class suggestions and presentations.

For students not attending classes the exam is only viva voce.

Teaching tools

File projector, notes without any copyright restriction available on the web for all students enrolled (restricted access)

Office hours

See the website of Gianpaolo Rossini