35432 - Applied Geomatics

Academic Year 2012/2013

  • Docente: Luca Vittuari
  • Credits: 6
  • SSD: ICAR/06
  • Language: English
  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Bologna
  • Corso: Second cycle degree programme (LM) in Civil Engineering (cod. 8211)

    Also valid for Second cycle degree programme (LM) in Environmental Engineering (cod. 0939)

Learning outcomes

The student through this course gained the knowledge to integrate modern surveying technologies offered by geomatics for the metrical study of objects, sites, and territory in a consistent way using space geodesy as source of global positioning. The student learns the use of space-geodetic techniques suitable for multi-scale measurements (global to local), and thus he is able to integrate in situ observations, airborne surveying and imagery. In particular, through this course the student extends the fundamentals of land surveying toward the satellite based and terrestrial surveying robotic systems for precise positioning and geodetic monitoring.

Course contents

Fundamentals of Space Geodesy and Satellite Positioning

International references frames and their transformations. Introduction to Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS): description of GPS modernization, GLONASS improvements, and the development of Galileo. GPS observations, modelling and data processing.

Space Geodesy techniques versus robotic total station surveys

Robotic total stations, instrumental precision and monitoring observation schemes and infrastructure, atmospheric correction and data processing.

Land Surveying, staking out and geodetic monitoring

Design and monumentation of integrated networks. Field procedures and data analysis of surveying schemes and description of multi-temporal analysis of control network using discontinuous measurement campaigns and adopting continuous monitoring infrastructures.


Bibliography for home study and further reading materials:

- Slides and notes from the lessons.

- Surveying Principles and Applications di: Barry F. Kavanagh

Teaching methods

The lectures will be supplemented with practical field exercises and in the computer lab. These activities are structured so that during each practical session students will be able to produce practical solutions to the theoretical problems outlined during lectures.

Assessment methods

Students must sit atest comprising questions that aim to ascertain students' understanding of the theory of the technology presented during lectures, and practical problems similar to the ones dealt with during the practical exercises.

Teaching tools

Lectures will be conducted both in the classroom and in the computer lab. The teacher will use, for technical and mathematical explanations, boththe blackboard, and projected slides, in order to help the student to fix the most important aspects. A significant part of the course will be pursued through practical instrumental exercitations.

Office hours

See the website of Luca Vittuari