82209 - Statistics Pass/Fail Test

Academic Year 2022/2023

  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Forli
  • Corso: Second cycle degree programme (LM) in Economics and management (cod. 9203)

Learning outcomes

At the end of the course, students have acquired knowledge of the main statistical techniques for exploratory data analysis and the fundamental concepts of inference from random samples. The learnt techniques cover graphical tools and summary measures for single and multiple variables, estimation and hypothesis testing for Gaussian and Binomial populations.

Course contents

1) Univariate descriptive statistics

- frequencies, means, variability measures

2) Bivariate descriptive statistics

- tables, frequencies, association indices, covariance and linear regression

3) Probability and inference

- basic probability, probability distributions

- hints of estimation methods; hints of hypothesis testing

Sections 1) and 2) are only quickly outlined, as it is assumed students already have some knowledge of statistics. If you do not have it, please contact the teacher


Statistica: metodologie per le scienze economiche e sociali, Simone Borra e Agostino Di Ciaccio. Editore: McGraw-Hill

The book is optional. Any other book dealing with basic statistics may be used.

Teaching methods

The course material is available on Virtuale.

Theoretical and practical classes are given, with the help of slides and notes.

The entire course is recorded and available on Virtuale.

Assessment methods

Exams are composed of practical questions with multiple answers. Students can use the course material and a calculator during the exam. Details are given on Virtuale.


To successfully pass the exam, students must answer at least half of the questions correctly

Teaching tools

Slides, notes, exercises and lesson recordings are available on Virtuale.

Book (optional).

Class exercises with a tutor.

Emails and meetings with the teacher.

Links to further information


Office hours

See the website of Linda Altieri