Academic Year 2021/2022

  • Docente: Giacomo Santi
  • Credits: 9
  • SSD: IUS/10
  • Language: Italian
  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Ravenna
  • Corso: First cycle degree programme (L) in Legal Consultant in Business and Public Administration (cod. 9242)

Learning outcomes

The course aims to provide students with the necessary tools to achieve a full preparation on the most important Sports law principles and rules. The course aims to highlight the Sports law principles and aspects with particular focus on the regulations of sports activity locally and internationally, its organisational structure and its application to particular cases as well as general Sports law concepts. As to the part of the course relating to the Italian Sports law subjects and organisation, we cover the structure and competences of CONI as well as the role and functions of the sport federations. As to the Sports law dispute resolution topic, we cover the general principles, the competent bodies and the proceeding mechanism. The relevant legal concepts and rules will be analysed during the course in light of the most recent legislation and court decisions. In addition to this basic course, students are offered the unique opportunity to participate in a more intensive course while attending lectures on the most innovative and controversial Sports law topics. During these intense classes, students will be able to analyse and “re-build” different doctrinal arguments, jurisprudential development and practical application of the law

Course contents

1. The sports system within the other legal systems;

2. Autonomy with respect to the state system;

3. Relations with international and European Union law;

4. The sources of sports law

4. CONI and the IOC;

5. The bodies of CONI;

6. Sports federations: requirements, statutes, controls;

7. Other subjects: sports clubs, sports associations, sports promotion bodies, leagues;

8. Nature, construction and management of public or private sports facilities on a public area (spec. Legislative Decree, no. 38/2021)

9. Doping;

11. Jurisdictional protection in the sports system.


The relevant materials will be indicated during the course


G.LIOTTA, L.SANTORI, Lezioni di diritto sportivo, Giuffrè, Milano, 2020

G.CASSANO, A.CATRICALÀ (a cura di), Diritto dello sport, Giuffrè, Milano,2019

G.VALORI, Il diritto nello sport, Giappichelli, Torino, 2016

M.S.GIANNINI, Prime osservazioni sugli ordinamenti giuridici sportivi, in Riv. dir. sport., n.1, 1949

W. CESARINI SFORZA, La teoria degli ordinamenti giuridici e il diritto sportivo, in Riv. dir. sport., 1969

M. COLUCCI, L’autonomia e la specificità dello sport nell’Unione europea, in Riv. dir. econ. sport, 2006, fasc. 2

L. FERRARA, Giustizia sportiva, in Enc. Dir., Ann., Milano, 2010

L. FERRARA, L’ordinamento sportivo: più e meno della libertà privata, in Dir. Pubbl., 2007

F. GOSIS, La giustizia sportiva tra funzione amministrativa e arbitrato, Milano, Giuffrè, 2007

P.GROSSI,Sui rapporti tra ordinamento statale e ordinamenti sportivi, in Dir.amm., fasc. 1-2, 2012, pag.3

G. MANFREDI, Il sindacato del giudice amministrativo sulle norme emanate dagli organismi sportivi, in Dir. Proc. Amm., 2008

G. MANFREDI, Osservazioni sui rapporti tra ordinamento statale e ordinamento sportivo, in Foro amm.-Tar, 2006

G. MANFREDI, Pluralità degli ordinamenti e tutela giurisdizionale, Giappichelli, Torino, 2007

F. MODUGNO, Pluralità degli ordinamenti, in Legge-Ordinamento giuridico-Pluralità degli ordinamenti, Giuffrè, Milano, 1985

M.SANINO, voce Sport, in Enc. Giur. Treccani, 1993

V. VIGORITI, Diritto comunitario e sport: applicabilità, sporting exception, trasferimenti, nazionalità, in Contr. impr./Europa, 2001

Teaching methods

- frontal lesson

The course aims to provide students with the necessary tools to achieve a complete level of preparation on the most important principles and institutes of public sports law, which also allows them to grasp the numerous practical-applicative implications. The student will learn the fundamental characteristics of the sports system, its organization and the related judicial protection.

Assessment methods

The exam at the end of the course will be held in oral form and the evaluation will be expressed out of thirty. The interview will focus on issues related to those indicated in the "Contents" section, in order to verify the students' acquisition of the concepts taught within the course.

The student's degree of preparation will be assessed as follows:

18-19 Very limited preparation. Basic answer to questions. Not very technical exhibition.

20-23 Discreet preparation. Acceptable answer to questions. Exhibition with elements of technicality.

24-27 Good preparation. Relevant answers. Technical and appropriate exposure.

28-29 Excellent preparation. Complete answers with exact terminology. Good ability display.

30 Excellent preparation. Answers supported by complete knowledge and with very adequate terminology. Systematic display.

30 L Uncommon and excellent preparation. Very satisfying answers that denote study, in-depth culture and acquired logical ability. Reconstructive and brilliant display.

Teaching tools

During the lessons, slides and documents will be shown.

Students who for reasons dependent on disabilities or specific learning disorders need compensatory tools will be able to communicate their needs to the teacher in order to be addressed to the referents and agree on the adoption of the most appropriate measures.

Office hours

See the website of Giacomo Santi