49548 - History of Mass Communication (1) (F-N)

Academic Year 2021/2022

  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Bologna
  • Corso: First cycle degree programme (L) in Communication Sciences (cod. 8885)

Learning outcomes

By the end of the course, the student should:

- Understand the major developments in media history.

- Understand the complex relationship between technological, social, cultural, and economic developments in media.

- Understand the role of the media in building mass culture, distinguishing between global trends and local features.

Course contents

The course provides the history of mass media from the 19th century to the present. It will focus, with a comparative and transnational approach, on linkages between mass communication and the cultural, social, economic and political contexts. Each emerging communication technology or mass medium (journal, cinema, radio, television and digital media) will be analysed by several case studies. Particular attention will be paid to the adversiting and its connection to the development of the media landscape.


- L. Gorman, D. Mclean, Media e società nel mondo contemporaneo, Il Mulino, Bologna 2011 or later editions (chapters 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 8, 10)

- F. Fasce, Le anime del commercio. Pubblicità e consumi nel secolo americano, Carocci, Roma 2012 or later editions

Teaching methods

Lessons will be backed by power point as well as movies and web resources.

Official language: Italian.

Assessment methods

The exam consists of a written test. In 60 minutes the students will have to answer 2 open questions on the topics of lessons and textbooks.

Thorough in-depth knowledge of the topics covered in the course, together with analytical and critical skills and command of the specific language, will qualify for top marks (30-30L).

A good grasp of the topics covered in the course, together with good critical analysis and command of the specific language, will qualify for high marks (27-29).

A more mechanical and less articulate grasp, and/or correct use of language though not always appropriate, will qualify for a medium-range mark (23-26).

Weak analytical capacity and frequently inappropriate language – together with some knowledge of exam material – will receive a pass mark or little more (18-22).

Teaching tools

Powerpoint presentations uploaded in the educational web page “Materiali didattici”.

Office hours

See the website of Alessio Gagliardi