78862 - Psychology of Education

Academic Year 2021/2022

  • Moduli: Chiara Suttora (Modulo 1) Elvis Mazzoni (Modulo 2)
  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures (Modulo 1) Traditional lectures (Modulo 2)
  • Campus: Bologna
  • Corso: Second cycle degree programme (LM) in Health Professions of Prevention Sciences (cod. 8878)

Learning outcomes

At the end of the module the students will have acquired a good knowledge of: the main cognitive and social-affective developmental stages in a lifespan perspective; the learning styles and the social learning contexts, such as family, school, work and community. They will also acquire the ability to develop intervention projects in the area of education, prevention and promotion of well-being directed to families, school educators and health workers from a lifespan perspective.

Course contents

Module 1: dott.ssa Chiara Suttora (16 hours)

Developmental risk and protective factors in a lifespan perspective.

Social-affective development across the lifespan.

Learning styles and strategies.

Educational and prevention interventions for health and well-being promotion.


Module 2: prof. Elvis Mazzoni (8 hours)

Digital Technologies and development from adolescence to adulthood.

Digital risks at work and in private life.


References for preparing the exam:.

Module 1: Dott.ssa Chiara Suttora

Santrock J. W. (2017). Psicologia dello Sviluppo (3rd ed.). Milano: McGraw-Hill. Cap 1 pp. 3-34, Cap. 3 pp. 66-86.

Module 2: Prof. Elvis Mazzoni

Benvenuti M. e Mazzoni E. (2019). Developmental Technologies: Evoluzione Tecnologica e Sviluppo Umano. Cap. 2 ONLIFE – Internet e tecnologie digitali nel ciclo di vita.), APOGEO Education. Cap.1 (optional) Evoluzione degli artefatti tecnologici e sviluppo nel ciclo di vita.

Students regularly enrolled in the course will be able to access the online IOL teaching platform through their user ID and institutional password.

Teaching methods

Teaching is conducted through lectures, alternated with moments of reflection and discussion with students about the topics presented in class and case studies.

Assessment methods

The examination aims to assess:
- Organic knowledge of the subjects exposed in the texts and during the lessons;
- Precise knowledge of the specific terminology used in the texts;
- Ability to apply the acquired knowledge to the development of educational and prevention projects.

The exam consists of a written test lasting 1.5h and consists of 3 open questions. Alternatively, students can write an essay on a project, which will be previously discussed with the teacher. This essay should be sent to the teacher at least one week before the examination date and it will be presented and discussed in class in the day of the examination.

The final score will be max 30 out of 30. The answers to the 3 open questions can obtain a score of max 10 points. Alternatively, when the project is chosen, the final score will be max 30 out of 30, based on the written essay and the presentation.

The deepened and complete knowledge of the topics of the program, expressive mastery with analytical and synthesis skills and specific language for the discipline, and the ability to reflect on the application of the acquired knowledge for observation and evaluation in clinical contexts will be evaluated with excellent evaluation. The mnemonic knowledge of the topics of the program, a correct but not articulated expression of the concepts and / or a language not always specific for the discipline, and a mechanical reflection on the application of the acquired knowledge for observation and evaluation in clinical contexts will lead to discrete evaluation; a not deepened knowledge of the topics of the program with some gaps and / or with a language not specific to the discipline and the lack of reflection on the application of the knowledge acquired for observation and evaluation in clinical contexts will lead to a just sufficient evaluation. A very poor knowledge of the topics of the program with significant gaps, non-specific language for the discipline and lack of orientation and reflection with respect to the study materials and the transfer of this knowledge for observation and evaluation in clinical contexts will lead to insufficient evaluation.

The student is required to complete the online registration (Almaesami) within the terms in order to be admitted to the exam. In case of technical problems, the student is required to promptly contact the Segreteria Studenti and email Dr. Suttora (within the terms) who will consider the request and decide about the admission.

Teaching tools

Lessons will be accompanied by the use of a video-projector (to show slides) and a video-recorder (to show videos).

Office hours

See the website of Chiara Suttora

See the website of Elvis Mazzoni


Good health and well-being Quality education

This teaching activity contributes to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda.