75657 - Economic History of the Ancient World (1) (LM)

Academic Year 2021/2022

Learning outcomes

At the end of the course students know the main methods for the study of the ancient economic phenomena. They know the economic language and terminology, and can use different ancient sources for an analysis of relevant economic problems. Students can conceive relations between modern theories and ancient facts, through the knowledge of ancient sources. They can describe correctly these aspects of the economic history of the ancient world.

Course contents

1. Introduction to the discipline and its definition. Economic thought in the ancient world: some example from ancient authors. Ancient economies and economic structures: public and private finance, control and development tools.

2. War and economy


All students must study one of the following book:

L. Migeotte, L'economia delle città greche, Carocci, Firenze 2003;


F. Carlà - A. Marcone, Economia e finanza a Roma, Bologna 2011..

A list of the sources read and commented during classes will be available on campus.unibo.it at the end of the course. Specific bibliography will be added during the course.

Students who will not be able to attend the lessons have to get in touch with the teacher and prepare a specific syllabus, which will take into account their preparation and general knowledge.

Teaching methods

Students are invited to discuss and to take part in the lessons. A basic knowledge of ancient Greek and Latin is recommended. Students who have never studied Greek can apply to the Dept. of Classics for the admission to the elementary course of this language which usually start in October.

Assessment methods

The exam is oral. All students will be asked at least 3 questions, one on the reading book and 2 on the texts and issues dealt at classes.

Exam is passed if pupils answer correctly and in a proper way. Outstanding knowledge of both the handbook and the texts is evaluated at the maximum; good knowledge and ability in the analysis of the texta, but more mnemonic can earn a good evaluation; a knowledge with some mistakes and misundertandings in the texts are sufficient to pass, serious lacunae in the knowledge of the handbook and no skills in the reading and interpretations of the texts do not allow to pass.

There are at least 7 possibilities per year to give the exam; the dates are published twice, normally in November for the first 5, and March-April for the last 2. All students must be listed on Almaesami and no students are allowed to give exams out of the public lists.

All students must be present at the call of the examination, normally at 9.30 of the examination day.

Please check in advance if your administrative position is regular, otherwise you will not be admitted to the exam

Teaching tools

All texts commented and discussed with the students during the course will be available on the AMS Campus unibo, and all texts will be shown in the critical edition and, if necessary, on a digital image.

Office hours

See the website of Lucia Criscuolo