02935 - Laboratory (Lab17)

Academic Year 2020/2021

Learning outcomes

At the end of the laboratory the student will develop the skills necessary to apply the knowledge learned in the courses of his/her programme degree. The student will be able to collect, organise and analyse complex information as well as present the findings both in oral presentation and in writing papers.

Course contents

The laboratory shall provide students with the basics for journalistic writing, by taking into account production routines in newsmaking, with specific attention being paid to the role of sources and fact checking.

The context where students will be called to participate is that of contemporary media. More specifically, the Internet is considered the space of news negotiation, starting from the formats now present online: from blogs to citizen journalism, to social media.


S. Maistrello, Fact checking: dal giornalismo alla Rete, Apogeo, 2013.

A. Marwick, R. Lewis, Media Manipulation and Disinformation Online,Data & Society Research Institute, 2017. Online: https://datasociety.net/output/media-manipulation-and-disinfo-online/

P. Pagliaro, Punto, Il Mulino, 2017

M. Pratellesi, New Journalism, Università Bruno Mondadori, 2013 (cap. 5 «Social Media»; cap. 8 «Dai blog al citizen journalism»; cap. 12 «Le fonti»)

C. Sorrentino, E. Bianda, Studiare Giornalismo, Carocci, 2013 (Parte Terza. La negoziazione giornalistica, pp. 119 - 171)

Teaching methods

The laboratory comprises online lessons, virtual classroom debates, exercises and participation of outside speakers.

Assessment methods

The learning assessment will be based on participation in classroom activities and drafting of an article-paper.

Teaching tools

PowerPoint, web sites, social network sites, case studies.

Office hours

See the website of Antonella Mascio