28516 - Music Pedagogy (LM)

Academic Year 2020/2021

  • Docente: Anna Scalfaro
  • Credits: 12
  • SSD: L-ART/07
  • Language: Italian
  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Bologna
  • Corso: Second cycle degree programme (LM) in Music and Theatre Studies (cod. 8837)

Learning outcomes

At the end of the course students reach the knowledge and grasp of Music Education (Pedagogics and Didactics of Music), with an emphasis on Didactics of listening and comprehension of music.

Course contents

The course aims to involve the students to the foundations of Pedagogics and Didactics of Music, with an emphasis on Didactics of listening. It is articulated in two parts, corresponding to two modules. The first module involves theoretical issues, the second consists of practical exercises related to Didactics of listening.


About foundations of Pedagogics and Didactics of music

1. G. La Face Bianconi, Il cammino dell'Educazione musicale: vicoli chiusi e strade maestre, in Educazione musicale e Formazione, a cura di G. La Face Bianconi e F. Frabboni, Milano, FrancoAngeli, 2008, pp. 13-25;

2. G. La Face Bianconi, La musica e le insidie delle antinomie, in La musica tra conoscere e fare, a cura di G. La Face Bianconi e A. Scalfaro, Milano, FrancoAngeli, 2011, pp. 11-18;

3. da C. Cuomo, Dall’ascolto all’esecuzione. Orientamenti per la Pedagogia e la Didattica della musica, Milano, Franco Angeli, 2018: capp. 1, 2, 3.

About transmission of musical knowledge

4. G. La Face Bianconi, La Didattica dell'ascolto, in «Musica e Storia», XIV, 2006, n. 3, pp. 511-541.

5. G. La Face, Testo e musica: leggere, ascoltare, guardare, in «Musica Docta. Rivista digitale di Pedagogia e Didattica della Musica», II, 2012, pp. 31-54.

6. G. La Face, Creatività e immagini in due Lieder di Schubert: un percorso didattico, in «Musica Docta. Rivista digitale di Pedagogia e Didattica della Musica», IV, 2014, pp. 57-74.

7. L. Bianconi, La forma musicale come scuola dei sentimenti, in Educazione musicale e Formazione, a cura di G. La Face Bianconi e F. Frabboni, Milano, FrancoAngeli, 2008.

On historical methods of music teaching and musical dissemination strategies

8. da A. Scalfaro, Storia dell’educazione musicale nella scuola italiana. Dall’Unità ai giorni nostri, Milano, FrancoAngeli, 2014: parte II, capp. 5 e 6.

9. da E. Jaques-Dalcroze, Il ritmo, la musica e l'educazione, a cura di L. Di Segni-Jaffè, Torino, Edt, 2008: cinque letture a scelta.

10. da L. Bernstein, Giocare con la musica, a cura di J. Gottlieb, Milano, Il Castello, 2015: cinque lezioni a scelta.

Teaching methods

Modalities to be defined.

Assessment methods

The following arrangements may change as a result of the health situation, which cannot now be precisely defined.

To pass the examination, students shall:

1) report on the Bibliography above;

2) present a paper (3 pages) and discuss a learning unit addressed to Scuole secondarie di I o di II grado. An example of a learning unit scheme can be viewed on the Educational Materials website.

3) report on two concerts or shows of art music they have recently attended: they are required to sit the examination bringing the concert program. To pass this test, students shall: historically contextualize the songs; describe the overall structure or focus only one part (e.g. Sonata, Symphony, or individual movements); critically evaluate the execution: in this regard, they are invited to carefully prepare the listening from a structural, formal and historical-critical point of view before the concert.

The students attending Musical Pedagogy, who have completed the practical exercises and obtained the relevant certificate, will be exempted from point 2.

It will be assessed as excellent/good the performance of those students achieving an organic vision of the course contents, the use of a proper specific language, the originality of the reflection as well as the familiarity with the tolls for analysing the Musical Pedagogy.

It will be assessed as discrete the performance of those students showing mostly mechanical or mnemonic knowledge of the subject, not articulated synthesis and analysis capabilities, a correct but not always appropriate language, as well as a scholastic study of the Musical Pedagogy. It will be assessed as barely sufficient the performance of those students showing learning gaps, inappropriate language, lack of knowledge of the Musical Pedagogy. It will be assessed as insufficient the performance of those students showing learning gaps, inappropriate language, no orientation within the recommended bibliography and inability to analyse the Musical Pedagogy.

Teaching tools

Audio and Video.

Office hours

See the website of Anna Scalfaro


Good health and well-being Quality education

This teaching activity contributes to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda.