00045 - Cultural Anthropology

Academic Year 2019/2020

  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Bologna
  • Corso: First cycle degree programme (L) in Expert Social And Cultural Education (cod. 8776)

Learning outcomes

By the end of the course, the student will be able to; - identify the main theoretical and methodological approaches that have been characterizing the anthropological studies; -identify the transformation of the concepts such as culture and ethnicity; -apply the theoretical knowledges for the analysis of social processes (social marginality, migration, urban context, school drop out) - apply the anthropological method and analyze the ethnographic material.

Course contents

The course aims to provide a general introduction to the paradigm of anthropology, to the key concepts, as well as to the main theoretical and methodological issues and debates that have been characterizing the discipline. The first part of the course focus on the origine and development of the anthropological studies, on some key paradigms, on the changing issues of "fieldwork" and will aim to provide the critical tools needed to analyze the notions of culture, identity, ethnicity.
The second part of the course will aim to introduce some anthropological fields by especially focusing on the contexts, issues and problems the students will face in doing thie  future professional career. To this end will be mainly taken  into account:
- the anthropology of education and social marginality, especially on school drop out
- the anthropology of migration, mobility and migrant transnational processes, "second generation" and migrant families,  migration and urban contexts; "new racism";
- the anthropology of gender and the cultural construction of identities and the embodiment;
- the anthropology of human rights, globalization, migration and development.


  • M.Aime, Il primo libro di antropologia, Torino, Einaudi, 2008
  • G.Semi, L'osservazione partecipante. Una guida pratica, Bologna, il Mulino, 2010
  • Robbins Richard H., Antropologia culturale. Un approccio per problemi, Utet, 2015, 2^ ed. solo il cap.IX La storia degli orientamenti teorici: una sintesi
  • One book choosen from (see indications in Italy): 
    • Amselle J-L. (2017), Il museo in scena. L’alterità culturale e la sua rappresentazione negli spazi espositivi, Roma, Meltemi
    • Barberis E. Boccagni P. (2017), Il lavoro sociale con le persone immigrate, Maggioli editore
    • Bourgois P. (2005), Cercando Rispetto. Drug economy e cultura di strada, Roma, DeriveApprodi
    • Callari Galli (2000), Né leggere, né scrivere, Roma, Meltemi
    • Ciabarri, L. (a cura di) (2015), I rifugiati e l'Europa. Tra crisi internazionali e corridoi d'accesso, Milano: Cortina,
    • Costantini, O., Massa, A., Yazdani, J. (a cura di) (2016), Chi, cosa. Rifugiati Transnazionalismo e Frontiere, Roma: Mincione
    • Guerzoni G., Presta G. (2013), Intrecci migranti: la cultura come spazio di incontro, Bologna, Bup.
    • Guerzoni G., Riccio B. (2009), Giovani in cerca di cittadinanza, Rimini, Guaraldi.
    • Mattalucci C. (a cura di) (2017), Antropologia e riproduzione. Attese, fratture e ricomposizioni della procreazione e della genitorialità in Italia, Milano, Cortina
    • Ravenda A.F. (2018), Carbone. Inquinamento industriale, salute e politica a Brindisi, Roma, Meltemi
    • Ribeiro Corossacz V., Gribaldo A. (a cura di) (2010), La produzione del genere, Verona, ombre corte.
    • Staid A. (2017), Contro la gerarchia e il dominio. Potere, economia e debito nelle società senza Stato, Roma, Meltemi
    • Willis P. (2012), Scegliere la fabbrica. Scuola, resistenza e riproduzione sociale, Roma, CISU.

Teaching methods

Tought-classes and lectures, seminars on case-studies, group-works on ethnographic materials, etc.

Assessment methods

Interview in Italian Language (120 minutes),  that aim at assessing students' knowledge the teaching programme contents.

The question deal with general issues; it is up to students demonstrating their in-depth and detailed preparation through their anwers. The assessment procedure is grounding on the following criteria: a) detailed knowledge of the teaching programme contents and, specifically, of the books contentes; b) language proficiency; c) ability to be consistent with the issue proposed; d) ability to apply the thereotical background to concrete case studies and examples related to childcare settings.

Final score based on ../30 (18 is considered the minimum to pass the exam).

Inscription to the exam on Almaesami website. 

Students must sign-up to the Alma Esami Portal by the set deadlines in order to attend the exam. Those who failed to enroll in due times for technical-related issues, must promptly report the problem to the Student Administration Office (before the official closing date of the enrollment procedure). The lecturer can allow them accessing the exam.

Teaching tools

The course makes use of audiovisual material, exercises, case studies, etc.

Office hours

See the website of Giovanna Guerzoni


Reduced inequalities

This teaching activity contributes to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda.