12693 - Contemporary History (1) (M-Z)

Academic Year 2019/2020

  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Bologna
  • Corso: First cycle degree programme (L) in Drama, Art and Music Studies (cod. 0956)

Learning outcomes

At the end of the course the student has the ability to tell the different dimensions and the great trends of development of the contemporary world. It is able to reach an organic connection between the most up-to-date methods of the historical disciplines and the tools provided by the social sciences. Moreover, it can place themes and problems of contemporary societies in a diachronic-comparative perspective, with specific references to the Italian case. Finally, from the analysis of particularly significant works, we will have a clear awareness of the diversity of historical approaches and refined autonomous judgment on complex issues.

Course contents

The course of Contemporary History for the academic year 2019-2020 aims to provide students with a basic framework of twentieth century political and social history in European and extra-European countries with particular reference to the Italian case. In particular, the course aims to make students understand the functioning of political systems and the interactions between political systems and societies, paying particular attention to the constitutional structures of individual countries, to political movements and parties and to the social processes that characterize the contemporary world.



- Fulvio Cammarano, Giulia Guazzaloca, Maria Serena Piretti , Storia contemporanea dal XIX al XXI secolo, Firenze, Le Monnier, 2015: the chapters specified at the beginning of the course.


- F. Cammarano, G. Guazzaloca, M.S. Piretti, Storia contemporanea. Dal XIX al XXI secolo, Mondadori-Le Monnier, 2015: the whole textbook

Non-attending students will take an exam based on an open answer questionnaire of 15 items and an oral test on one monograph chosen by the student. For the written test, the time available is 25 minutes. For the oral examination the student is required to present himself with the chosen volume. The oral exam takes place on the same day as the written one.


Each student will be expected to choose one of the following monographs with about the same number of pages:

  • Botta S. (a cura di), L'Italia degli altri. Storia dell'Italia contemporanea vista da fuori, Rubbettino, 2012 + Woolf S., L'Italia repubblicana vista da fuori (1945-2000), Il Mulino, 2007 (da pag. 9 a pag. 129)
  • Botta S., Politica e calamità. Il governo dell'emergenza naturale e sanitaria nell'Italia liberale, Rubbettino, 2013. (da pag. 247 a pag. 632)
  • Brizzi R. (a cura di), Osservata speciale. La neutralità italiana nella prima guerra mondiale e l'opinione pubblica internazionale (1914-15), Le Monnier, 2015
  • Brizzi R., Marchi M., Charles De Gaulle, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2008
  • Brizzi R., Marchi M., Storia politica della Francia repubblicana, Le Monnier, 2011 (fino a pag. 332)
  • Brizzi R., Sbetti N., Storia della Coppa del mondo. Politica, sport, globalizzazione, 1930-2018, Le Monnier, 2018
  • Cammarano F., Cavazza S. (a cura di), Il nemico in politica, Il Mulino, 2010
  • Cammarano F., Storia Politica dell'Italia liberale, Laterza, 2011
  • Cammarano F. (a cura di), Abbasso la guerra! Neutralisti in piazza alla vigilia della prima guerra mondiale in Italia, Le Monnier, 2015 (fino a pag. 166) + 4 casi locali (Milano, Torino, Bologna, Sicilia)
  • Cavazza S., Scarpellini E., Il secolo dei consumi, Carocci, 2006
  • Cavazza S. (a cura di), Consumi e politica nell'Italia repubblicana, Mulino, 2013 + Consumi, società e politica in Italia (1980-2000), in E. Asquer, E. Bernardi, C. Fumian (a cura di) L'Italia contemporanea dagli anni Ottanta a oggi, Vol. II, Il mutamento sociale, Roma, Carocci, 2014 (da pag. 211 a pag. 226)
  • Corni G., Breve storia del nazismo (1920-1945), il Mulino, 2015 + P. Pombeni, Fascismo e Nazismo nella storia politica nazionale. Una svolta storiografica?, in «Contemporanea», 3/2004
  • Gentile E., La via italiana al totalitarismo. Il partito e lo stato nel regime fascista, Carocci, 2008
  • Guazzaloca G. (a cura di), Sovrani a metà. Monarchia e legittimazione in Europa tra Otto e Novecento, Rubbettino, 2012
  • Guazzaloca G., Una e divisibile. la RAI, la televisione e i partiti negli anni del monopolio pubblico (1954-1975), Le Monnier, 2011
  • Guazzaloca G., Storia della Gran Bretagna 1832-2014, Le Monnier, 2015
  • Marchi M., Alla ricerca del cattolicesimo politico. Politica e religione in Francia da Petain a de Gaulle, Rubbettino, 2012
  • Pombeni P. (a cura di), Storia dei partiti italiani, il Mulino, 2016
  • Pons S., La rivoluzione globale. Storia del comunismo internazionale 1917-1991, Einaudi, 2012
  • Sbetti N., Giochi di Potere: Olimpiadi e Politica da Atene a Londra 1896-2012, Le Monnier, 2012
  • Scoppola P., La Repubblica dei partiti. Evoluzione e crisi di un sistema politico, 1945-1996, Il Mulino, 2006.

Teaching methods

Frontal lecturing

Assessment methods

The exam for non-attending students consists of an open-ended questionnaire of 15 questions and an oral exam on the monograph chosen by the student. Students are required to present themselves on the day of the appeal with the university badge.

- For the written test the time available is 25 minutes.

- For the oral examination the student is required to present himself carrying the studied monograph.

- Before registering, the student must check his administrative position (eg unpaid taxes or change of location).

- The oral exam takes place on the same day as the written one.

- To pass the exam you must obtain at least the sufficiency in both tests (the questionnaire and the oral exam on the chosen monograph).

It will be assessed as excellent the performance of those students achieving an organic vision of the course contents, the use of a proper specific language, the originality of the reflection as well as the familiarity with the tools for analysing the contemporary history. It will be assessed as discrete the performance of those students showing mostly mechanical or mnemonic knowledge of the subject, not articulated synthesis and analysis capabilities, a correct but not always appropriate language, as well as a scholastic study of the strategies for analysing the contemporary history. It will be assessed as barely sufficient the performance of those students showing learning gaps, inappropriate language, lack of knowledge of the strategies for analysing the contemporary history. It will be assessed as insufficient the performance of those students showing learning gaps, inappropriate language, no orientation within the recommended bibliography and inability to analyse the contemporary history.

Office hours

See the website of Salvatore Botta