04402 - History of Contemporary Philosophy

Academic Year 2018/2019

  • Docente: Vittorio D'Anna
  • Credits: 12
  • SSD: M-FIL/06
  • Language: Italian

Learning outcomes

The student is able to acquire knowledge of history of contemporary philosophy. In particular, it is able to read philosophical works of the last two centuries contextualizing them within a more general cultural universe. He also acquired critical skills and awareness of the philosophical issues of our time.

Course contents

Life and world of life in contemporary philosophy

Things in life are inside our experience, not in front of us. On this basis is constituted a field of investigation that implies the definition of thought original categories, breaking with the past. The objective contents, since they have been lived, result in multiple ways of being. They can be considered: a) as many moments in a whole, eminently historical (Hegel, Dilthey) b) in the arising and in depending from what they emerge from (Husserl, Heidegger, Merleau-Ponty c) dissolved in the subjectivity pathos (Bloch, Henry). These are different points of views, but within a single problematic horizon. The common element lies in the fact that philosophy, putting in the center the life, assumes a descriptive, anti constructive and anti metaphysical approach. With this are laid the conditions to shape the philosophy as a concrete knowledge: estabilished on existence, not aimed at the foreshadowing of prime principles, but at logic highlighting that rules the experience.


Interpretazioni fenomenologiche di Aristotele, Napoli, Guida,  2001, pp.115-62.


G. W. F. Hegel, Lo spirito del cristianesimo ed il suo destino: Scritti teologici giovanili, Napoli, Guida, 1972, pp. 353-457.

W. Dilthey, Nuovi studi sulla costruzione del mondo storico nelle scienze dello spirito: Critica della ragione storica, Torino, Einaudi, 1982, pp. 293-331, 337-44, 362-5, 372-84.

The students who did not attend the course should prepare entirely Nuovi studi sulla costruzione del mondo storico nelle scienze dello spirito.

E. Husserl, Per la fenomenologia della coscienza interna del tempo, Milano, Angeli, 1981, §1, §2, §7, §8, §11, §12, §14, §16, §17, §19, §20, §25, §30.

La crisi delle scienze europee e la fenomenologia trascendentale, Milano, Il Saggiatore, 1972/4, §2, §5, §9a, §9f, §9h, §9l, §14, §15, §17, §20, §26, §28, §29, §34a, 34b, 34d, 34f, §35, §36, §37, §38, §40, §41, §42, §44, §45, §46, §47, §53, §54, §59, §62. §70, §71.

The students who did not attend the course should prepare in addition; §39, §48, §50, §52, §58, §72.

E. Bloch, Spirito dell’utopia, Firenze, La Nuova Italia: La forma del problema incostruibile, pp. 216-42 (in particular the following paragraphs: (in particular the following paragragraphs: "L'oscuro”, "Il non più conscio", "Il sapere non ancora conscio e lo stupore profondo”, "I luoghi possibili della parola risolutiva).

The students who did not attend the course should prepare entirely La forma del problema incostrile.

M. Heidegger, L’idea della filosofia e il problema della visione del mondo: Per la determinazione della filosofia, Napoli, Guida, 1993, pp. 71-82; 99-102; 112-9.

Interpretazioni fenomenologiche di Aristotele, Napoli, Guida, 2001, pp.115-86.

M. Merleau-Ponty: L’uomo e l’avversità, in: Segni, Milano, il Saggiatore, 2003, pp. 294-317.

M. Henry, Incarnazione, SEI, 2001,Introduzione; §1, §2, §4, §6, §7, §8, §9, §10, §13, §15, §16, §22, §29, 31.


W. Dilthey, Storia della giovinezza di Hegel e frammenti postumi, Napoli, Guida, 1986, pp. 107-72.

V. Verra, Hegel, Bari Laterza, particularity, pp. 3-16.

F. Bianco, Introduzione a Dilthey, Laterza, Bari, 1985.

R. Bernet, I. Kern, E. Marbach, Edmund Husserl, Bologna, Il Mulino, 1992, particularity, pp. 279-92.

F. S. Trincia, Guida alla lettura della Crisi delle scienze europee di Husserl, Bari Laterza, 2012.

P. Bucci, La Crisi delle scienze europee di Husserl, Roma, Carocci, 2013.

F. Volpi (a cura di), Heidegger, Laterza, Bari, 1997, particularity, pp. 57-106.

R. Kirchmayr, Merleau-Ponty. Una sintesi, Milano, Marinotti, 2008.

L. Vanzago, Merleau-Ponty, Roma, Carocci, 2012.

G. Molteni, Introduzione a Michel Henry. La svolta fenomenologica, Milano, Mimesis, 2005.

* The indications of paragraphs and pages do not have definitive value.

Teaching methods

Classroom-taught lessons

Assessment methods

Oral Test

Office hours

See the website of Vittorio D'Anna