39100 - Obstetric Care (BO)

Academic Year 2017/2018

  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Bologna
  • Corso: First cycle degree programme (L) in Midwifery (cod. 9201)

Learning outcomes

At the end of the learning module the student will have an in depth knowledge on the mechanisms of labor and delivery and of the puerperium


di Roberta Spandrio, Anita Regalia, Giovanna Bestetti
(Carocci, Milano, 2014).

Assistenza alla maternità Ladewig - London - Davidson 31 dic 2012 Piccin Editore [http://www.amazon.it/s/ref=dp_byline_sr_book_2?ie=UTF8&field-author=Piccin+Editore&search-alias=stripbooks]

V. R. Bennett, L.K. Brown "Manuale dell'ostetrica di Myles" edi-ermes, 1995

Università http://campus.cib.unibo.it/

Teaching methods

Powerpoint presentations and other learning material published on AMS Campus

Assessment methods

Lectures and simulations

Teaching tools

written exam

Office hours

See the website of Sara Daidone